4 weeks holidays plus 1 week study week already past and i am still waiting for for last sampling which keep postponding from last two week until next week. when everyone finish their project and strat to write thesis, i still in a uncertain condition, dun know whether i can finish my sampling or not. yesterday i finally finished my second batch of horses, now waiting for the third batch of race horses. The sampling date already been changed 4 times, and everytime was last minutes change such as 40 minutes before sampling.... I dunno whether i still want to continue if they change the appointment again.
So I keep telling junior do not find a project which u need to depend on people, equipment, doctors and so on....it's better can do everything by ur own so that u can control ur progress well. When u depend on people, u have to socialise and there's where all the gossip that u got to listen, pandai pandai do r PA, jaga hati orang...
And unfortunately i need to present my conference in the first week. oh my god, i only have 2 weeks left and i do not have a case yet. Everyone asking me y u so choosy...u should get a case very early if u know u r first week...bla bla bla...I also understand but all the case that i had, some no confirm dx, some no supervisor, some lecturer do not allow to take, some no photo nothing....what to do??? somemore I have been asking around very early and no one want to change with me..no one wanna be the first...
Then I start to feel so chamm, dunno what to do....but when i talked to my coursemate, i realize that i am not the worse. Some even they are finishing their project but they work extremely busy everyday until late at night in the lab, some even has a conf case but do not have time to do it, some even finished their project but dunno how to interpret as their supervisor did not spend time with them to discuss and teach.. I am so glad that i have a very very kind supervisor, he spent so much time on his students, drove me to do the ECG on the horse, help me to make appointment and even help my best fren to key in the date into SPSS. Where to find such good supervisor???
SO I think I am lucky in such a way that i have a good supporter behind me, even i face lots of ordeal...
Everyone face obstacles in their life and I think the more pain we get, the more steady we stand.
Pls.....tell me again, how lucky I am........I keep forgetting......
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I poke myself!!!!
How stupid am I !!! This morning I went to putrajaya to do another exercise test for the horses. As I wanted to take the blood prior to the exercise test, I opened the vacumliner needle, but accidently poke into my last phalanx(last digit of the finger). I dunno how it happen, it just happened and i saw blood oozing out like water..oh god...But i did not tend to bother because I got to take the blood from the horse...(some more the rider beside saw and said " aiyo")...So , i forgot about the heamostasis (stop bleeding). Just few second, I felt dizzy liao, feeling like the blood is occupying the space and it was so painful as it swell...feel like water filling up the ballon. Oh god, I quickly apply digital pressure(luckily i still remember) for some while then only it stop bleeding. But I already want to pengsan imaging there is external and internal bleeding. My finger palpated so firm, swollen and reddish and pain!! I could hardly band my hot dog like finger.It's the middle finger. Now I can imagine how the animal feel when we punture their vein and accidently create haematoma...it fell so geli especially when u feel the blood filling up the space...aiye....
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Hunter the cute horse
Today I went to do an exercise test on a horse named Hunter. He is a grey horse (means white in colour). He was required to exercise 4 round for a 500m long track.First round should only be canter but from far I can see this fellow slow gallop towards me...ok nvm, I took blood sample...sayang him a bit and let it go for the second and third round,canter. For the last round, it suppose to gallop,when I countdown, 5,4,3,2,1 go!...wahlau, the fellow thought he was racing, shoot up like a rocket, "kokhkokhkokhkokhkokh......" within a glance of eye, he was very far from my sight, then diassapear into another site of the track...DO u ever see the horse gallop from the back ( should see it during racing, more funny)...It was so funny seing their butt and hind limb...like a frog leg???hahaha..the horse ran so fast until the end of the track, it was just about to get it's momentum up to shoot up..so he speed up to go further faster but luckily the rider could stop him from knocking into the fences. But all of us already laughing at the horse...he is so prone to be a race horse...from the behavior shown by him, we can sense that this horse like to go fast and cannot be let behind, he will try to catch up..Well, it's might not be that good for an endurance horse which they need more stamina than speed. Eventually of course this fellow was gasping for more oxygen and having tachycardia ( high heart beat), he had very very shallow breathing...kesian..y run so fast, so kiasu..hahaha. THis is a naive horse. Naive horse means has not yet been trained before for strenous exercise..this is the first time..But for me, he is naive...as children, he just enjoy running, do whatever he wanted and he is soooooo cute because he is so naive!!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Carry on till tomorrow
In the younger days,
My life would be my own
And I'd leave the place
Where sunshine never shone
*For my life's too short for waiting
When I see the rising sun
Then I know again
That i must carry on
Carry on till tomorrow
There's no reason to look back
Carry on Carry on
Beyond the shadows of the clouds
and onward to the sky
Carry on till I find the rainbow's end
Drifting on the wings of the freedom
Leave this stomy day
and we'll ride to tomorrow's golden field
And when the heavy journey's done
I'll rest my wearly head
for the world and it's colours will be mine
Anyone has this mp3...let me know pls......thanks :)
Different as night and day
Doesn't matter whom you are with
Doesn't matter where you are going
Don't you know I'm still waiting here or you and pray for you
In the sunny days, sun will light your day
In the windy days, when will we go away?
I have to say, you're my treasure moments
Never gonna walk away
In the rainy days, rains will share my tears
In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain
Just go your way, and leave things all behind
Spread your wings and fly away
I'm pretending your mine
I'm wishing you''ll be fine
The moment we share never die
You've made a difference to my life
* Anyone has mp3 of this song pls tell me......:)
Doesn't matter where you are going
Don't you know I'm still waiting here or you and pray for you
In the sunny days, sun will light your day
In the windy days, when will we go away?
I have to say, you're my treasure moments
Never gonna walk away
In the rainy days, rains will share my tears
In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain
Just go your way, and leave things all behind
Spread your wings and fly away
I'm pretending your mine
I'm wishing you''ll be fine
The moment we share never die
You've made a difference to my life
* Anyone has mp3 of this song pls tell me......:)
Friday, November 04, 2005
Is ''ice blended chocolate"cold?

There were few of us sitting and had our own drink ordered. Here came our fren, sat down and start to order. By the time he looked at the waitress, with 2 eye ball poping out(joking la), he asked
" er......u r???...u look very familiar....ur name is ...err....." (wah lau, fren...like that also can arr....this method very outdate liao loh...of coz all of us diam diam, dare not spoilt the atmosphere).....
"xxx"the girl said........
"yaya..yaloh.....n ur surname is lim right?" .........
"oh no, I m Lee"" ( see, 1st step to attract the attention already successful, so pandai)
the girl was standing beside the guy, waiting for the order.
The guy pointed a portion of the menu written " non-coffee, ice blended", and ask steadily,
"are these (drink under the column of ice blended) warm? , ice blended is cold wan right?"
( oh my god, do u realize what are u talking abt?)
Never waiting for a second, we all laughed like hell loud, non stop (how to stop?), and i even laugh until my lacrimal glands hypertrophied and excessively releasing tears, my stomach got ischemia(stop oxygen suppply) and lead to stomachache.....I got rapid breathing leading to shallow breathing lead to respiratory alkalosis....luckily no failure....but i still cant stop laughing....hahahaha
I remember Prof Sheikh did tell us, dun be scare to ask question..ask whatever u dun understand, even though it's stupid question..but of coz dun ask too stupid question like "'do I have to cut open the body? " ( he talked abt this during post mortem prac)
"Is ice blended cold?" if come out from themouth of a child less than 7 years old should not be a big deal....but if it's from an engineer????
It's not a stupid question, it's just a key for the door..
( No sarcastic, just sharing....well, my fren does know the girl, but thanks to him, with that topic, we were happy through out the nite)
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
RM 100 for 6 month starvation
I was so shock when I read an articles in the news paper recently. There was an engineer left a german shedherd dog in the house for 6 month without food!!!! When the dog was found by SPCA, she was already moribund. Due to guarded prognosis, she had been euthanised. The post mortem examination reviewed that the dog has not been eating for a long while where the digestive system were all empty, poor body condition, severe skin lesions and the dog was suffering from heavy tick infestation. The engineer was charged at court. He admitted to the crime, that's a good things..but but the very ##8!*%... dunno how to explain punya judge fined him RM 100. RM 100 seems to be very very big like bull cart wheel for us student, but RM 100 for a dog's life plus what she had suffered for the past 6 months?? Is the judge so naive to think that RM 100 is a big sum,or he does not know how suffer it is to be starved for 6 month??? Does the judge ever think that RM 100 is enough to stop people from doing it again? RM 100 might be a peanut for some people. And the guy, the engineer, is he qualified to be the owner of the dog? Because he has no human compassion, no feeling...A graduate from university, a professional...is that what he had learnt from thirty years of living? Just be responsible to your pet, to your action. Just like rearing a child....If you feel you are not committed, pls dun do it.....many people will appreciate you , including your pet..thank you..
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Post Conference

Conference syndrome
Huh..just few second before my turn up to the stage, I was so scared. My palms were so cold..I cant differentiate whether it's due to the airconditioner or loss of thermo homeostasis. Up to the stage, I tried not to look at anyone, I just cant afford to gagap..then, suddenly I just reliaze yiiiii...quite a lot of peple looking at me talking..at that point of time, I just keep talking and talking, u know lah I can talk a lot.
The time past very very fast...just a clip of eye, I finish everythings. Not yet I realized what I have answered the
Huh..just few second before my turn up to the stage, I was so scared. My palms were so cold..I cant differentiate whether it's due to the airconditioner or loss of thermo homeostasis. Up to the stage, I tried not to look at anyone, I just cant afford to gagap..then, suddenly I just reliaze yiiiii...quite a lot of peple looking at me talking..at that point of time, I just keep talking and talking, u know lah I can talk a lot.
The time past very very fast...just a clip of eye, I finish everythings. Not yet I realized what I have answered the

But the time is so limited for me to acknowledge everyone..So I just wanna say : Thanks to everyone that help me along the process : Joanne, Ping Yin, Wei Yee, Foong Yan, for their comments, Dennis for offering to da bao for me..hahaha so touched, thanks to allthose that listen to me during conference, thanks for all clap for me..hehehe...thanks the mike for so cooperative, the technician and everyone.... thank you !!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Cute cute Ah Pig !!!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
7 Valuable hours
Yesterday, there was no equine rota...Since everyone talked about their conference, I also wanna talk about my conference. I worked until 3am the night before. And yet still have some part that not really can find much info bout it.. So I spend whole morning searching in the library. After somewhile, I felt so tired and went back home..Maybe too depressed or upset, I have a "nap" at 12 noon, and finnaly woke up at 7 pm..God...I slept 7 hours...in day time..That's the very valuable time especially right now where I still have tonnes of homework to do!! My depression got worse..I keep blaming myself for being so lazy...Y am I so pig one....7 hours..I can do lots of things. I could have finished study Dr.Gurmeet's lecture, have finish my avian path power point presentation, amalan path presentation(havent start), my conference script, german notes...bla bla bla....now...I have finish nothing!! Am I too tired or Have I infected " Malaysia Sleeping Sickness" ??
Let us see what we can do within 7 hours.
1. I can go and work 7 hours, and earn RM 30. RM 30 can buy lots of things u know?
2. I can watch my favorite TV drama for 7 episode..
3. I can finish maybe half of the Da Vin Ci code novel.
4. I can back to my hometown (kedah) which took me only 6 hours journey. And already have coffee with my mum
5. I think Davies can comeout with tonnes of idea and maybe already written a book ..hahaha ( I am not as creative as his)
But...I think my body does not think as what I think.
1. My brain will think, it's valuable time for him to rest, to reorganise the information so that I will not get al-zheimer 's
2. My skin will think that it's time for it to replenish itself so that I will not get wrinkles and look young forever.
3. My liver will think it has been working for so long, it hope that i rest more so that it can rest.
4. The heart say it need more sleeping time so that it can work slowly...because i always so excited and it has to pump harder...ya..he is tired..
I remember oliver told me one day: If I have a choice, I want my heart to rest.
At that moment, I really so touch mby his speech...He is so kind that he want his heart to rest where I never think before....
SO, if one day, i have a choice, i also want my heart to rest..hehehe
Let us see what we can do within 7 hours.
1. I can go and work 7 hours, and earn RM 30. RM 30 can buy lots of things u know?
2. I can watch my favorite TV drama for 7 episode..
3. I can finish maybe half of the Da Vin Ci code novel.
4. I can back to my hometown (kedah) which took me only 6 hours journey. And already have coffee with my mum
5. I think Davies can comeout with tonnes of idea and maybe already written a book ..hahaha ( I am not as creative as his)
But...I think my body does not think as what I think.
1. My brain will think, it's valuable time for him to rest, to reorganise the information so that I will not get al-zheimer 's
2. My skin will think that it's time for it to replenish itself so that I will not get wrinkles and look young forever.
3. My liver will think it has been working for so long, it hope that i rest more so that it can rest.
4. The heart say it need more sleeping time so that it can work slowly...because i always so excited and it has to pump harder...ya..he is tired..
I remember oliver told me one day: If I have a choice, I want my heart to rest.
At that moment, I really so touch mby his speech...He is so kind that he want his heart to rest where I never think before....
SO, if one day, i have a choice, i also want my heart to rest..hehehe
Monday, September 19, 2005
Warfarin poisoning!!
Yesterday were our ruminant rotation. We went to a goat farm. The farmer complained that a group of goat ate rat poison--warfarin...The story is like that, usually they will lock the goats in a slot..and whenever they see tikus, they will put some warfarin in the goat house. The night before, he left a plastic bag of warfarin in next door ( the slot next to the goat slot)...manatau, the next morning tengok, only few pellet left in the plastic bag..and all the goats were outside...wandering around the house....thus he called the vet. We were so excited because this is the first time we encounter this type of case.
So we were so busy taking history, doing physical examination, see the mucous membrane, the conjunctiva, the vulva...take temperature, heart rate, respiration..there were 9 of them and very jumpy..run here and there. It took us quite a long time to catch them and examine. We found that all the conjunctiva were pinkish..but all the gums were pale with a dark purple demarcation at the gum margin....huh...that make us suspect that could be due to poisoning...thus we reported to doctor...very excited...
Manatau, doc cakap, it's pigmentation..kan goat got pigment mah...at the gum area...so it's normal...aiya...Now only I know..Since it's all normal, doc said leave it lah...
Then we went to see a case of contagious ecthyma...and just before going back, I ask the farmer, how much of the warfarin that gone?? He said the whole plastic empty lah...wah...tha's a lot...So I ask him, got 1 kilo or not?? " eh, mana ada, ah moi...beberapa biji saja mah..." " what??? beberapa biji?? " " Yalah...agak agak 7, 8 biji besar macam ni..." Then he show me the thumb....Wah lau..say early mah....
Yesterday were our ruminant rotation. We went to a goat farm. The farmer complained that a group of goat ate rat poison--warfarin...The story is like that, usually they will lock the goats in a slot..and whenever they see tikus, they will put some warfarin in the goat house. The night before, he left a plastic bag of warfarin in next door ( the slot next to the goat slot)...manatau, the next morning tengok, only few pellet left in the plastic bag..and all the goats were outside...wandering around the house....thus he called the vet. We were so excited because this is the first time we encounter this type of case.
So we were so busy taking history, doing physical examination, see the mucous membrane, the conjunctiva, the vulva...take temperature, heart rate, respiration..there were 9 of them and very jumpy..run here and there. It took us quite a long time to catch them and examine. We found that all the conjunctiva were pinkish..but all the gums were pale with a dark purple demarcation at the gum margin....huh...that make us suspect that could be due to poisoning...thus we reported to doctor...very excited...
Manatau, doc cakap, it's pigmentation..kan goat got pigment mah...at the gum area...so it's normal...aiya...Now only I know..Since it's all normal, doc said leave it lah...
Then we went to see a case of contagious ecthyma...and just before going back, I ask the farmer, how much of the warfarin that gone?? He said the whole plastic empty lah...wah...tha's a lot...So I ask him, got 1 kilo or not?? " eh, mana ada, ah moi...beberapa biji saja mah..." " what??? beberapa biji?? " " Yalah...agak agak 7, 8 biji besar macam ni..." Then he show me the thumb....Wah lau..say early mah....
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Moon Cake Festival!!!
Moon Cake ....Tanglung...
Sunday was moon cake festival, it's also known as " union day" for chinese where all family member will gather together. Since all of us did not go back to celebrate with our own family, we, all chinese coursemate decided to have a ' stimboat ' gathering at my house. Thus, friday evening after conference, we went to alamanda to buy some food. It has been quite a long time we did not go out togehter...we took a lot of photos, shouting here and there like monkeys....then ah Ting suddenly said " this is very memalukan!! ( embarrasing)" hahahaha
Saturday night, around 8 pm, when everyone was so hungry, but the water in the rice cooker not yet boil...so everyone sit around the rice cooker at wait for the food to be cooked...very very pity..
Finally, the food cooked, and we ate together, happily and crazily.....shout here shout ther ( this is our expertice)..hahahaha
After that we took a lot of stupid photos in a small garden...We are so crazy, so childish..but we are very happy o....
I hope that we have more time like this before we separate for our our life in the future..
Monday, September 12, 2005

I saw this, up in the sky in the paddy field in my hometown, a small boy and his grandfather.( I did not get to take the photo, so just download from net). I remember, me and my friend, once upon a time, flying kite in the paddy field..just like them. I miss the kite, I miss the friend, and I miss the moment.....
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Yeah Yeah...finali....the holiday that we have been waiting so long.....AT the night of friday, me chan ling, wei yee, liza n foong yan went to have a drink...a very big cup of drink...eventually we all couldn't finish our drink...hahaha
Chan Ling and Wei yee were so relief..they had finish their conference. And now I start to worried about my conference. I decided to finished it during this weeked, ok...gambate!! But then after the drink, I went to Ah Ting's house and Accidently brought back a Hong Kong drama VCD...well, holiday mah..so enjoy loh...manatau...me and chan ling and my cute roomate, sitting in front of the computer for nearly 10 hours on saturday and sunday, to finish the drama...Finally, ofcourse I did not finish my conference!!
Since it's holiday, so I decided to do something relax that not really need our brain...so I decided to make some indian 'cookies'?- Vadei...hahaha not bad...taste like vadei...haahahaha
After 2 night punya suffer, finally I finished my conference power point. But no matter how I read it, forward backward fast slow...I still feel something wrong. Dun care...no energy liao..
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!!
I feel good that I am already merdeka from my small animal practical. Imaging I have to do my practical from 7.30am until 10pm for 2 weeks including saturday and sun. It wasn't that tough actually but just that after one whole day in the ward, no bath, and hug the dog and cat...somehow at the end of the day you will feel tired. That's y all of us will think that being in ward is a night mare?? is it?? Yesterday, I had a discussion with my professor. He came from india and really professional in Surgery. At the end of the discussion, he asked me, was it so tired in ward? Anybody bully you by given lots of job.....? hahahaha...see? everybody thought it's very tiring. Then I answered, well, not really, we are doing well...hahahaha, pandai mengampu lei.....But I enjoy being in ward provided that I have some time to go back home and relax, take bath, eat etc. I was handling a case of dental extraction of a ct. Thus , last night I read about it. Now only I know that we can actually brush the teeth of the animal and it's part of the dental care. And different species has different tooth brush and toothpaste!!!!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
This is taken before surgery. Each group will have a dog for surgery procedure that had been planned for that day eg spaying, castration, pinning for leg fracture, operation on the abdomen etc. Each person in the group has their own task such as anaesthetist, surgeon, asst surgeon and nurse.
We have to do a physical examination, checking heart rate, respiration and temperature and other signs to confirm the risk of anaesthesia and see if the dog can proceed to the surgery. The we will sedate the dog, wait for 20 minute, when the dog is ready, we will prepare it for surgery....While waiting for the dog to get sedated, we will sit beside and company him...hahaha to 'calm him down'.....and also to take picture like this..... fun lei???.....:D
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Be cool !!

Aiyo...today I received another part of my first test..As I already failed my first part of my first test, here come the second part of my first test, and I prayed that I will pass this test, but unfortunately, I was at the border line! :( ....well, If I wanted to make myself relief, I could tell myself that only 30% of my friends passed the test..but but...I keep telling myself, there is no reason for me to fail the test...because I did studied!! Luckily, my lecturer is very kind. She said we can go to see her and spell all the answer infront of her without mistake (most of our marks get cut because of wrong spelling), then she will give us marks, so that those at the border line can pass.....Wau...she is very kind and I am going to do my best to make sure I pass this time..Wish me Luck!!! But I stilll cant believe that I failed the test....very upset...ok..like other always said, be cool, be steady and be prepared to continue the journey...
Thursday, August 04, 2005
My unlucky day!!!

Today it's a bad day for me...Early in the morning, I have to present my clinical case of a cat. Just prior to my presentation, I could not open my power point file, for some reason it hang. Oh my god, I got to present it without the screen and only at htat time that I forgot to bring my notebook with all the information in it. I have to squeeze my brain to remeber all the information....It's disastrous!! Next, I found out that I failed part of my first test...I just had the test 2 days ago...and I can't believe that I fail that section...Oh god, this is the first time I ever fail a test.....Disastrous!!!!
Dun Worry Be Happy!!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

"A friend in need is a friend indeed"
There are 17 of us chinese in our class, from year 1 till now..We have gone through every struggling moment, helping each others..
Friends come and go in our life, some stay for a moment, some just pass by.
Dear all my friends, no matter how, I appreciate you, as being part of my life, and I really treasured the time you spent with me... Danke!
How many true friend indeed do you ever have???
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Wie geht es Ihnen?
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
My radiology rota

So I try to fgind something else to do like ...try to put an image here..let me try it out....
This is an image that I like a lot...I think lots of ppl seen it before cos I always hear ppl taking about it.
Some think it talk about CONFIDENT, some said BRAVE..what would you say??
Nowmatter what, They are all trained dog...They must have some sort of DISCIPLINE..right??
Hope you enjoy it!!
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