Monday, September 19, 2005

Warfarin poisoning!!


Yesterday were our ruminant rotation. We went to a goat farm. The farmer complained that a group of goat ate rat poison--warfarin...The story is like that, usually they will lock the goats in a slot..and whenever they see tikus, they will put some warfarin in the goat house. The night before, he left a plastic bag of warfarin in next door ( the slot next to the goat slot)...manatau, the next morning tengok, only few pellet left in the plastic bag..and all the goats were outside...wandering around the house....thus he called the vet. We were so excited because this is the first time we encounter this type of case.

So we were so busy taking history, doing physical examination, see the mucous membrane, the conjunctiva, the vulva...take temperature, heart rate, respiration..there were 9 of them and very here and there. It took us quite a long time to catch them and examine. We found that all the conjunctiva were pinkish..but all the gums were pale with a dark purple demarcation at the gum margin....huh...that make us suspect that could be due to poisoning...thus we reported to doctor...very excited...

Manatau, doc cakap, it's pigmentation..kan goat got pigment the gum it's normal...aiya...Now only I know..Since it's all normal, doc said leave it lah...

Then we went to see a case of contagious ecthyma...and just before going back, I ask the farmer, how much of the warfarin that gone?? He said the whole plastic empty lah...wah...tha's a lot...So I ask him, got 1 kilo or not?? " eh, mana ada, ah moi...beberapa biji saja mah..." " what??? beberapa biji?? " " Yalah...agak agak 7, 8 biji besar macam ni..." Then he show me the thumb....Wah lau..say early mah....


doBot said...

entah entah itu father tikus yang makan. Or, that tikus had develop immune respone kat racun tu. kekekekek

Eve said...

kalau tikus dah develop resistant terhadap racun tu then gai lah......nanti bukan tikus yang mati tapi goat ynang makan tu mati...hehehe...jadi, history is very important...

ZeroGravity said...

Warfarin case.. shiok lah

Present the case during round ok!

Eve said...

Davies..u got read my blog one o not??? No clinical signs...nothing. how to present in the rounds wor...sure kena tembak one...