Saturday, March 28, 2009

My recent hobby

I have registered in ebay for a while but never really buy or sell anything on the web. Recently, I was thinking of buying something but as you know (or maybe you dunno), sometime you can't just buy what you want from the shops around UK. Hardly find stationary shop, computer shop, book shop except in the town. So I started to look for what I want online.

Wau, that's brilliant. Eventhough I know it is very convenient to search for something you want but still doubt about e-business, afraid of being tipu lah....but luckily I got several things from ebay and all not too bad lah. The things is not bad, the only bad one is I have choosen the wrong item to buy loh...

Bought a 'Veterinary student dictionary' instead of 'veterinary dictionary' because it is thicker so maybe it contains more infomation. When I got the book, my is 'kindergarden veterinary student dictionary' lah....very very brief and general description, can't even find the meaning of 'abduction', 'scaling' etc....It's now kept on my study table, useless!!

Then got mobile, it was noted 'unlocked', but it cannot read any simcard except 'three' (a mobile network here)....:( so have to unlock the mobile again!! Sigh.

Got three cactus for myself. two of them were so mini than I expected. but the other one was really nice,ofcourse it cost more money! And I now I am bidding for a series of story book from James Herriot, and looking for a PDA...:) I am more and more addicted to ebay now.

My cactus ! :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009




Tuesday, March 03, 2009


今天不开心, 觉得明明是别人不够谅解,明明我是被气的嘛。。回家时还闷闷不乐的。后来想呀想的,每件事都要从多个角度去看嘛! 可能人家没心的lei...可能人家性格是这样子的lei....自己实在不可以太在乎,要以平常心看待,要学习如何圆滑面对这些事嘛。。哎哟,怎么到最后变成自己必须检讨了。。算了,早点成长吧。。。