Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I poke myself!!!!

How stupid am I !!! This morning I went to putrajaya to do another exercise test for the horses. As I wanted to take the blood prior to the exercise test, I opened the vacumliner needle, but accidently poke into my last phalanx(last digit of the finger). I dunno how it happen, it just happened and i saw blood oozing out like water..oh god...But i did not tend to bother because I got to take the blood from the horse...(some more the rider beside saw and said " aiyo")...So , i forgot about the heamostasis (stop bleeding). Just few second, I felt dizzy liao, feeling like the blood is occupying the space and it was so painful as it swell...feel like water filling up the ballon. Oh god, I quickly apply digital pressure(luckily i still remember) for some while then only it stop bleeding. But I already want to pengsan imaging there is external and internal bleeding. My finger palpated so firm, swollen and reddish and pain!! I could hardly band my hot dog like finger.It's the middle finger. Now I can imagine how the animal feel when we punture their vein and accidently create fell so geli especially when u feel the blood filling up the space...aiye....


pam said...

aiyo.. you careful aaa.. how many samples you taking ?

wow.. imagine one horse one finger..

wei.. you have only 10 fingers aaa..

doBot said...

Kesian dia....lain kali, hati hati skit. Nasib baik needle tu tak contaminate.

Fanfan said...

i like your title of your post- i poke myself sounds very funny, i wonder is there really a word " poke " ? i think everyone have poke themselves before. seems everyone get injured in projects, i have heard ppl getting torned by tigers