There were few of us sitting and had our own drink ordered. Here came our fren, sat down and start to order. By the time he looked at the waitress, with 2 eye ball poping out(joking la), he asked
" er......u r???...u look very familiar....ur name is ...err....." (wah lau, fren...like that also can arr....this method very outdate liao loh...of coz all of us diam diam, dare not spoilt the atmosphere).....
"xxx"the girl said........
"yaya..yaloh.....n ur surname is lim right?" .........
"oh no, I m Lee"" ( see, 1st step to attract the attention already successful, so pandai)
the girl was standing beside the guy, waiting for the order.
The guy pointed a portion of the menu written " non-coffee, ice blended", and ask steadily,
"are these (drink under the column of ice blended) warm? , ice blended is cold wan right?"
( oh my god, do u realize what are u talking abt?)
Never waiting for a second, we all laughed like hell loud, non stop (how to stop?), and i even laugh until my lacrimal glands hypertrophied and excessively releasing tears, my stomach got ischemia(stop oxygen suppply) and lead to stomachache.....I got rapid breathing leading to shallow breathing lead to respiratory alkalosis....luckily no failure....but i still cant stop laughing....hahahaha
I remember Prof Sheikh did tell us, dun be scare to ask question..ask whatever u dun understand, even though it's stupid question..but of coz dun ask too stupid question like "'do I have to cut open the body? " ( he talked abt this during post mortem prac)
"Is ice blended cold?" if come out from themouth of a child less than 7 years old should not be a big deal....but if it's from an engineer????
It's not a stupid question, it's just a key for the door..
( No sarcastic, just sharing....well, my fren does know the girl, but thanks to him, with that topic, we were happy through out the nite)
Good to note it here, at least we can remember it. You should forward this to Yu Wei
I din say it's yu wei..u say one arr...
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