Das ist Deutchland... I am having my german lesson this semester and the teacher told us about Germany. Well, it really a good country where the research and technology development is so advance. I like this country..It is beautiful...
Why would someone try to learn German (oder Deutsch)? Why not learning more exotic and beautiful languages like French or Spanish or even Dutch. Except if you already know all these languages: than I'm making a complete fool of myselve aren't I? (The most beatiful words are 'ein Beutel Tiefkuhlerbsen' and 'ein Tischtennistisch)
i really admire you got so much time and strength to take extra language . i guess i m tje lazy type
Why would someone try to learn German (oder Deutsch)? Why not learning more exotic and beautiful languages like French or Spanish or even Dutch. Except if you already know all these languages: than I'm making a complete fool of myselve aren't I?
(The most beatiful words are 'ein Beutel Tiefkuhlerbsen' and 'ein Tischtennistisch)
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