Monday, December 31, 2007


2008 年来得还真快!2000 年时, 觉得2008, 2010 是很遥远的事。可现在就在眼前了。



2008,我的新年愿望, 可不可以不要变老?

Saturday, December 29, 2007


为什么到达了一个高峰之后, 我们要下山去镇服另一座高山呢? 人生为什么要不断向前迈进, 不停地往更高的地方? 简简单单不好吗?平平淡淡不好吗?一份平淡简单的工作, 平凡的生活, 近乎零的改变, 那样的日子, 好吗? 满足吗? 为何不满足?改变是痛苦的, 辛苦的,疲惫的。人生其实可以不必那么匆促。。。是吧?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Pinot Grigio 与英国

寒冷的天气, 保温的绒衣, 一杯Pinot Grigio Bryan Adam 的歌声,现在的我, 还真的处在英国-- 这个距离马来西亚半个地球的国度。 有时走在街上, 吹打在脸上的, 不是温热凉爽的风, 而是‘冰冷’的,就和冰一样冷。 怎会不想念马来西亚? 想念不必把自己包裹得厚厚的才出门;想念不论你怎么讲我都明白的语言;想念大大型的shopping complex 似模似 样的圣诞节装饰;想念想要出门时可以把车子开了就走, 也不必因为火车延迟而在外忍受刺骨的冷风;想念半夜三更还可以买到Nasi Lemak Mamak 档;还有我最爱的Laksa….想念的应该有很多很多吧!

心理上虽然没有多余的挣扎, 但生理上却有着‘无声’的抗议。 首先, 鼻孔一直非常的干燥, 有时还流血;接着身体开始冒起了许多红斑点, 非常粗糙,我美美的皮肤就这样功亏一篑了!:(

虽然生理上有些许抗议,但我总觉得离开是好的。 没有人知道自己的一生会有多长多久; 所以无论是好的, 坏的,Pinot Grigio Sauvignon Blanc 我都想一一品尝。。

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I am 19!

This week I started to work as a part timer in a takeaway restaurant. Today there's another part timer english boy (18 yrs old) worked together with me. And he wanted to know how old am I. He said " u dun have to tell me, let me're 19." hahahaha..I was so happy then I said you're wrong. And he said:"so you're 18"..#@$&*speechless
Wahahahaha....after that I told him I was definately older than 19. He said: It couldnt be, you must be kidding. Okay, the most is 21, it is imposibble you're older than 21". I said I am older than 21 he did not believe. When I told him I am 27, he insisted I am cheating him. He keep saying that I was born in the year of Tiger, which is 21 yrs old.
Hahaha.......whatever it is, I am very happy to hear happy.
one more funny things is, I cant really catch what he said because he speakpretty fast and tend to digest some words. So when I ask him what he would like to be, he said: Fireman. I thought he was saying farmer. SO I ask him what kind of farmer you would like to be (like plant vege, rare cow etc), only when he was explaining those firestation, host etc....I realised that he was saying fireman. Sangat malulah

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Let's talk about Dubai

Dubai is a small city. I arrived at Dubai in the very early morning 3.05am. However, It took me 2 hours to get through the Immigration checking. I dun understand why are there so many visitors to Dubai, it is as heavy as Singapore Malaysia border custom, so crowded. Once I stepped out the airport , wah, it was so cold, like being in Genting. Actually Dubai is in its winter, but I always think that middle east mah, like Malaysia, winter only mah, the most they have is raining. But the local people told me that some time the temperature can go down to negative. Well, it is morning that the temperature is cold, the rest of the day, it is just like Malaysia, more windy than Malaysia. As long as you stand under the shade, then it is very comfortable.
Dubai airport departure-ppl sleeping everywhere To visit the first destination- Dubai creek park, I took the wrong bus (too many ppl giving different opinion) n got lost…being in the middle of no where. Eventually I decided to go to the second destination- Gold souq. All shops in the gold suoq are selling gold (ofcause lah, you can know from it'sname). Nearly ALL shops selling gold, many many gold, and there's no security guard there. Believe it or not, I was very hungry and looking for a café, it took me very very long time to find a small café.

City: It makes not much different with Bangkok or KL, traffic is super jam, carbon dioxide is super high, workers is everywhere because everywhere is under construction! Huh! There's lots of shopping mall, with pyramid style (like sunway piramid but sunway is nicer), dragon style a long long dragon body structure) etc. I heard ppl said that the animal fur is very cheap here, so many pl come over and buy animal fur………Oh I really hate it. There's lots of beautiful and luxury building in the city, not to mention the emirates tower and the coming soon tallest building, almost all building here has their own style.

People: There are quite a number of people here are migrant workers-Pakistanis,Indian, Philippino, Afghanistan's etc. Some books said it is about 75%, but I think more than that. And I think almost 90% of the population are MALE. You see guys everywhere, on the street, in the bus, on the boat, in the shop…everywhere. So I always find myself alone among a jungle of guys, so depressing. The guy in Dubai is not friendly at all, not even to lady. They seldom wanna talk nicely to you. The outsiders (migrant workers) tend to be more helpful but the most hospital they are, the more they wanna try to take advantage on you, you just got to be careful. So eventually I never wanna talk to any guy in Dubai. The problem is, you really hard to find a lady when you wanna ask somebody to take your photo or asking for direction.

Transport: The transportation is crazy. There's no train system so you end up with taxi or buses. I spent lots of my time waiting for the bus and travelling in the bus. Taxi is very costly, very very costly but it the most common transport. I felt the lady is most protected in the bus. Because there are 12 seat reserved for ladies only just behind the driver seat. No guys are allowed to sit on or stand beside the ladies seat. However, no lady is allowed to board the bus once the seats are all occupied. This is the sad thing, because at night, where there's lots of female passengers in the bus, you have to wait for a bus which has lady seat for you. So you will see many girls are left in the bus stop because not allowed to board the bus.

Burj Al Arab:
I visited twice the hotel. It is not as big as I imagined. To enter to the lobby of the hotel you need to pay 100 dirham. I went to visit Jumeirah beach hotel. This one has the same architecture as Burj Al Arab and are belongs to the same company.

Sunset at Burj al Arab

Burj Al Arab

Dubai airport departure-ppl sleeping everywhere

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Moody UK lucky I can get online now...curi ppl's unsecured line haha. I am already in the UK. I have manythings to say about Dubai so will write special post about it with the pictures :)

Lets talk about UK. weather here is very moody. always raining...'small small' one, looks so depressing. Surprisingly it is not that cold when it is raining day. But it is really very cold when it is sunny and windy day.The houses here are in old english style..oh I like it. Hehe. Everywhere is in Christmas mood. I cant wait for the christmas. I still dunno how to celebrate it.

I am staying in the upstair room of a bar, with my sister. Yesterday was saturday and there's this live band in the bar. My room is exactly on the top of where the live band is....Oh, I feel like in the live....haha

London Eye

Monday, November 19, 2007

Learning fast

My nephew is about 7 months old right now. My main job during this one month vacation is to play with him-everyday!
From able turning his body only a month ago, now he can 'crawl' already. well, He is not really crawling with the support of his knee on the floor (like crocodile?), he is actually moving his body forward by pushing it with the sole (feet), so it looks like a fish moving forward on the floor..hahaha

He was really get excited once he knew how to crawl and keep moving around everyday. And this day, he tried very hard to "climb" up to a board underneath a small table in the living room. Lying on the board and he doesn't know how to get down. All of us were too bad but watching him instead of assisting him. He tried many methods and eventually he turned his body at 180 degree, and slowly moving down....I dun understand why he wanted to turn his body 180 degree but at least he learned a lesson. from that time on, he crawl up the board everyday and tried many many different and weird methods to get down...Huh, children are learning fast yaa....anything to do with the milk powder containing DHA??

Sunday, November 18, 2007


I'm very lazy!

人的惰性是天生的吗? 懒惰的人, 似乎并不是他们不能改变懒惰的习惯, 而是懒惰就像种爱好, 爱不释手, 连想要改变的意愿都没有。

我也是个很懒惰的人。 如果可以, 我希望不必劳碌, 轻轻松松地过活。如果可以, 我希望不想做的事情可以明天才做, 明天的事后天才做。。。我希望每天可以选择性地做我想做的事情,看戏, 吃,喝, 玩, 乐, 睡觉。有时还会连玩也不愿意, 懒惰。 我想,这就是为什么那么多人想要过少奶奶的生活吧!

我, 多么希望我是个认真的人, 认真地生活, 积极, 对每一分每一秒都使用得淋漓尽致。

只是,懒惰就好像是天性,不到5 分钟, 就把意志力给打败了。

朋友说, 那时因为你还没觉悟到, 如果你不懒惰,你的人生会有多大的变化吧!

是吗?不, 好像时不时, 久不久我就会觉悟一下的。。。

嗯,好了, 我‘假假的’也是个有阿Q 精神, 永不轻易放弃的人。 所以, 不论有多少次的 "5分钟热度”, 我也要继续觉悟, 继续认真, 继续5 分钟热度, 然后追加到十分钟热度, 20 分钟热度。。。。看看我的脑袋还请不清醒!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Get ready for new journey

now packing........there're lots of things need to buy, lots of money need to spend, lots of things need to settle.....and I am still very lazy to move...

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Dare or dare not?

Today is my last day and i was meeting colleagues to say thanks. Some people got to know that I am going for backpacking, to some places alone. They said I am very brave.

Well, actually I am not....

I do worry about my journey, my future plan, my finance etc....... I do feel lonely and afraid that there might be some unpleasant things happen and I will not know what to do. Just like what happened in Paris before.

Where did I get the gut to start the journey?

Em....I am quite nervous and lost the moment I wanna make this decision. But I think fear, money, obstacles.....should not be the reason stopping us doing what we wanna do.

We do not give up things due to some aspect that we too unable to predict, right?

So I think... I am brave, not because I dare to go backpack alone, or go to some middle east or foreign country.
I am brave because I dare to go through everything to color my life.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The world of animal Vs The world of Homo sapien

I had just viewed dobot's blog and what he said caught my attention. He said :
Di dalam dunia binatang tiada manusia, tetapi di dalam dunia manusia ada binatang. Malahan, manusia lebih teruk daripada binatang.

Dalam binatang tak ada yang buang anak sendiri. Dalam binatang tak ada yang bakar bendera Malaysia. Dan, di dalam binatang tak ada yang masukkan timun dalam buntut binatang lain (referring to the case of Nurin Jazlin)

How true it is. In the world of animal, there is no human. They show their true behavior, desire and do what they wanna do. They never know how to cheat, to threaten people who is kind. But in the world of the human, we even dare to harm any even the same call Homo sapien

Sometime, we treat all the animal bad, thinking of escaping from them, or killing them every time we feel we are threaten by them. But, who is who's enemy? Are they threatening us or the other way round? Are we the lord that can ignore the value of other creatures in the world?

Sunday, September 30, 2007


昨晚看了2005 年度超级女声准决赛后, 才知道好歌可以听出耳油。每一位参赛者都有着天赋的歌喉及才能。 想想自己到底拥有些什么?
之前张学友因抱病, 以无法呈现最好的表现而取消演唱会时, 当时只是觉得很可惜。
现在呢, 觉得听好歌, 好声音是一种享受。
听有些偶像歌手唱歌 (虽然不会走音),但总觉得缺少了些什么。 昨晚真的很满足, 听了些好歌, 听这些爱好音乐者把歌唱好。比起一些因走红, 进而出唱片, 加上一些商业策划而红得大紫的人, 这些默默耕耘, 努力不懈, 争取机会的乐者, 他们似乎少了些运气。

“ 想唱就唱要唱的响亮

想做什么 就做什么
人生嘛 不要有太多的犹豫

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Yeah, I had just finished watching Ratatouille...I like it!

Like the little chef said when he argued with his father:
Change is natural, it starts when we decide.
If we keep looking behind us, or how much we are left behind, we will never move forward, and will never know what's in front of us.

I am leaving my comfort zone though I wish so much to stay and enjoy. Yet I dunno what is in front of me. There is lots of obstacles, doubt, lost, disappointment, hard work waiting for me, to shed my tears and blood. I am glad that I have made this decision for myself, with brave and courage.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Back to the past

Today, I asked my colleague VV, what would you do if you were back to the past?
Would you choose to be a girl again? She said yes!
Yeah!, I said yes too. Before that, sometime, occasionally i will think of being a guy in the next life. Why? Because I think I am from the Mars, I dun like little tiny things, dun like shopping, dun like to take time to do treatment for my hair, to dress up myself........
But now, I would like to be a girl.
because a girl do not have the compulsory responsibility to rare a family (even though the women nowadays have to), a girl can dress up herself nicely, can have many pairs of shoes, many clothes, many jewelries , take an hour for bath, take 2 hours to make up, eat slow slow......without any critics.
Because we are girls. Girls are like that. You can not blame them, it is the natural characteristic and privileges given to a girl. Right? :) Anyone disagree ya?

Sometime, i was also thinking...
If i was back to the past, would I still choose to be a vet? Would I work in this company? Would I make this decision?
I dunno yet what I would do, because I never got back to the past.....

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Fires in the dark

30th Aug 2007- 31st Aug 2007 Merdeka

So exciting, me and my fren, we departed to putrajaya to see fireworks right after work.

Because we are very Kiasu, afraid of traffic jam (biasalah in selangor or KL area), so we "ta bao" Mc D and eat in the car while heading to putrajaya.

Unfortunately the traffic is still very heavy.. heavy.. heavy...we hardly move and took very long time to reach putrajaya. We were so happy that not many people were there at that time (because we reached at about 8pm in which the fireworks will start at 12 mignight, you can see how kiasu we are, my another fren even reached at 6pm!). We waited for 4 hours.....for the so call fireworks..

The freworks on merdeka eve was performed by Japan team. weird? Japan on Malaysia merdeka eve?

I was busy taking photograph can did not really " wah.... wau......" astonishing by the others surrounding the lake...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Food fair

Went to One utama and saw this fruit house.....So creative and nice....
But after that I was thinking, why so sayang...those fruits are not edible liao...wasted lah

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


如果可以沉醉在花海里,像普罗斯旺的薰衣草原, 那一定是件很幸福的事

豌豆花- “我也可以很美丽”

昙花一现 - 午夜后绽放, 天亮前凋谢,谁比我稀有?

昙花虽然珍贵, 但有谁深夜里珍惜你的美, 又有谁懂得珍惜?



Monday, July 30, 2007

Puchong pan mee

Green curry Pan Mee

Soya Pan Mee

" I forgot the name"

Friday, July 20, 2007

幸福 Part II



幸福Part II - 日落
不管是小说还是电影, 有许多女主角都喜欢日落或日出
可惜 人算不如天算
现在还是一样呆在水泥森林里头(哎呀 离题了!)


并不是只有20.07.2007 或 07.07.07
日落 是我们用生命换回来的

当日出时 我珍惜我还可以拥有今天
当日落时 我希望还可以期待明天。。。。

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


离最后一次采红毛丹的时候已经很久了。那是小时候的事。小时候很贪吃,任何东西都觉得很好吃。可能住在乡间的关系, 乡下有许多农作物, 蔬菜水果,所以自然而然常常可以吃到各种水果, 榴莲, 红毛丹, 杨桃, 水翁等, 可以看到稻米成熟时,可以看到天还没亮时, 头上带着电筒到胶园里割胶的工人。。。。。。这些在小时候觉得理所当然的事, 长大后, 却变得奢侈。

那天,在外婆家,外婆要我把成熟了的红毛丹采下来。满树红彤彤的红毛丹, 越看越欢喜, 突然觉得可以看到红毛丹, 好幸福喔! :) 但是地下,树干上, 树叶上红红 黑黑的蚂蚁,一直干扰着我, 就这样我一面采红毛丹, 一面奔奔跳跳, 感觉又回到了小时候。 可以这样子吵吵闹闹,哈哈大笑, 好开心, 好幸福喔!

红毛丹-就这么简单,这么普通。 但多少人看过结满果的红毛丹树?又有多少人采过红毛丹?或许在世界的某个角落, 有人不曾吃过红毛丹。 人生那么的短暂, 世界那么的宽大。。。

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My bad bad English

I always feel very bad with my poor english. Today, dunno no how many times my manager told me: "Evelyn arr..your grammar arr....y always like this one"

How much I wish that I can master English well, but dunno how, I just keep speaking and writting poor poor english. Last night I read something on a news paper: "Before you can become a doctor or lawyer, you must have very good command of English, that's proffesional". Now, the ability to speak good english already become the indicator of educated or civilized people. I was really sad when I read this, I am a vet now but dun think that I can speak proffesionally especially english. I wonder what's the problem. But I know, I just have to learn, and learn, and learn.