2008 年来得还真快!2000 年时, 觉得2008, 2010, 是很遥远的事。可现在就在眼前了。
2008,我的新年愿望, 可不可以不要变老?
2008 年来得还真快!2000 年时, 觉得2008, 2010, 是很遥远的事。可现在就在眼前了。
2008,我的新年愿望, 可不可以不要变老?
寒冷的天气, 保温的绒衣, 一杯Pinot Grigio 和 Bryan Adam 的歌声,现在的我, 还真的处在英国-- 这个距离马来西亚半个地球的国度。 有时走在街上, 吹打在脸上的, 不是温热凉爽的风, 而是‘冰冷’的,就和冰一样冷。 怎会不想念马来西亚? 想念不必把自己包裹得厚厚的才出门;想念不论你怎么讲我都明白的语言;想念大大型的shopping complex 似模似 样的圣诞节装饰;想念想要出门时可以把车子开了就走, 也不必因为火车延迟而在外忍受刺骨的冷风;想念半夜三更还可以买到Nasi Lemak 的Mamak 档;还有我最爱的Laksa….想念的应该有很多很多吧!
心理上虽然没有多余的挣扎, 但生理上却有着‘无声’的抗议。 首先, 鼻孔一直非常的干燥, 有时还流血;接着身体开始冒起了许多红斑点, 非常粗糙,我美美的皮肤就这样功亏一篑了!:(
虽然生理上有些许抗议,但我总觉得离开是好的。 没有人知道自己的一生会有多长多久; 所以无论是好的, 坏的,Pinot Grigio 或Sauvignon Blanc 我都想一一品尝。。
Transport: The transportation is crazy. There's no train system so you end up with taxi or buses. I spent lots of my time waiting for the bus and travelling in the bus. Taxi is very costly, very very costly but it the most common transport. I felt the lady is most protected in the bus. Because there are 12 seat reserved for ladies only just behind the driver seat. No guys are allowed to sit on or stand beside the ladies seat. However, no lady is allowed to board the bus once the seats are all occupied. This is the sad thing, because at night, where there's lots of female passengers in the bus, you have to wait for a bus which has lady seat for you. So you will see many girls are left in the bus stop because not allowed to board the bus.
Burj Al Arab:
I visited twice the hotel. It is not as big as I imagined. To enter to the lobby of the hotel you need to pay 100 dirham. I went to visit Jumeirah beach hotel. This one has the same architecture as Burj Al Arab and are belongs to the same company.
I'm very lazy!
人的惰性是天生的吗? 懒惰的人, 似乎并不是他们不能改变懒惰的习惯, 而是懒惰就像种爱好, 爱不释手, 连想要改变的意愿都没有。
我也是个很懒惰的人。 如果可以, 我希望不必劳碌, 轻轻松松地过活。如果可以, 我希望不想做的事情可以明天才做, 明天的事后天才做。。。我希望每天可以选择性地做我想做的事情,看戏, 吃,喝, 玩, 乐, 睡觉。有时还会连玩也不愿意, 懒惰。 我想,这就是为什么那么多人想要过少奶奶的生活吧!
我, 多么希望我是个认真的人, 认真地生活, 积极, 对每一分每一秒都使用得淋漓尽致。
只是,懒惰就好像是天性,不到5 分钟, 就把意志力给打败了。
朋友说, 那时因为你还没觉悟到, 如果你不懒惰,你的人生会有多大的变化吧!
是吗?不, 好像时不时, 久不久我就会觉悟一下的。。。
嗯,好了, 我‘假假的’也是个有阿Q 精神, 永不轻易放弃的人。 所以, 不论有多少次的 "5分钟热度”, 我也要继续觉悟, 继续认真, 继续5 分钟热度, 然后追加到十分钟热度, 20 分钟热度。。。。看看我的脑袋还请不清醒!
Dalam binatang tak ada yang buang anak sendiri. Dalam binatang tak ada yang bakar bendera Malaysia. Dan, di dalam binatang tak ada yang masukkan timun dalam buntut binatang lain (referring to the case of Nurin Jazlin)
How true it is. In the world of animal, there is no human. They show their true behavior, desire and do what they wanna do. They never know how to cheat, to threaten people who is kind. But in the world of the human, we even dare to harm any even the same species.....so call Homo sapien
Sometime, we treat all the animal bad, thinking of escaping from them, or killing them every time we feel we are threaten by them. But, who is who's enemy? Are they threatening us or the other way round? Are we the lord that can ignore the value of other creatures in the world?