Sunday, December 02, 2007

Moody UK lucky I can get online now...curi ppl's unsecured line haha. I am already in the UK. I have manythings to say about Dubai so will write special post about it with the pictures :)

Lets talk about UK. weather here is very moody. always raining...'small small' one, looks so depressing. Surprisingly it is not that cold when it is raining day. But it is really very cold when it is sunny and windy day.The houses here are in old english style..oh I like it. Hehe. Everywhere is in Christmas mood. I cant wait for the christmas. I still dunno how to celebrate it.

I am staying in the upstair room of a bar, with my sister. Yesterday was saturday and there's this live band in the bar. My room is exactly on the top of where the live band is....Oh, I feel like in the live....haha

London Eye


Erika said...

hi~fren.. finally...
how are things??
show more of the photos u took in UK..

Eve said...

Erika, I cant really get access to the net all the time so might be a little bit slow in updating my blog. be patient ya... More photos?, no problem, go to my friendster la..LATER.

angi said...

LONDON EYE果然是比我们国家的还要漂亮.

Eve said...

London eye 其实跟malaysia eye 差不多大而已, 所以should be proud of Malaysia...haha