I got this forwarded email,
各位您好: 尤其是女士們,請警覺這個主題及小心保護妳自己。 對於老是往舞會 (PUB)裡鑽的女士們,請小心 .., 當妳飲用由男生 (陌生人or女生)提供的飲料時,請多警覺及多留心 。 各位好男人,請好心地轉送這個訊息給你的女士朋友們。 有一種新的藥品在那種地方被使用了不到一年了。 一種 黃體激素製劑 (Progesterex) 這種藥基本上是一種 避孕藥丸 , 這個藥現在被強暴加害者在舞會上用在強姦受害者以及 使受害者避孕。 一位朋友的母親在藥局工作, 而她說 這個藥只由 獸醫 開立在使 大型動物避孕之用, 但我聽到這個藥被與 Rohypnol(roofies)一起當作 約會強姦藥 來使用。 因為Rohypnol的關係,強姦加害者們只要將它放入她們的飲料中, 被下藥的女孩在第二天早上 不會記得前一晚所發生的事情 。 現在 Rohypnol不單單被使用著。 Progesterex 在飲料中容易溶解 , 而且與Rohypnol一起使用, 所以強姦者不必擔憂幾個月後 , 警檢單位以父源關係 [胎兒]來認定強姦加害者 。 但是這藥的影響並 不是暫時性的 。 Proges terex設計給馬避孕用的 , 任何女士吃了這個藥將 一輩子無法懷孕 。 所有混蛋只要跟任何在 ' 大學唸獸醫系的朋友'拿這個藥即可遂其犯行。 它是如此地 容易取得, 而 Progesterex即將在各個校園裡 出來。 不管妳相不相信這個警告, 甚至在 網路上都還有人教導別人 如何使用它 。 譯註: *請轉寄這個警告給任何妳(你)認識的人, 尤其是年輕又天真的女孩們。 *馬來西亞很可能不久就有歹徒會使用此種藥品犯罪, 請各位女士朋友們,多加提防。(Anyone who doesn't read chinese please go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progesterex)
I feel a bit frustrated, are they saying they can get this drug from any vet student and malaysia would probably having this kind of problem...There's only one vet school in Malaysia...I strongly feel it affect all of us DVM from UPM...I need to make it clear. so I replied to all that has that forwarded email, as below:
(May be I am a bit overreact but it happens not only once....yes VET is able to get access to certain dangerous drug, but we are profesional, we took oath, we know what we should and should not do...we have our ethic!!)
Dear all whoever read this article,
I strongly agree that girls need to be very careful and cautios in the party or club regarding what they have taken (drinks or food) from anyone. However, I would like to bring your attention the the statement made towards the drug being mentioned ' progesterex' as : Proges terex設計給馬避孕用的 ,(these drug is being used to sterilize horses), 所有混蛋只要跟任何在 ' 大學唸獸醫系的朋友'拿這個藥即可遂其犯行 (it can be easily available with any vet students in the university).
Highlight is to be made that vets sterilize horses through surgery and not drug, and all VET STUDENT is not able to get access to these drug or anykind or drug until they get licensed. Besides, I doubt the existance of these drug 'progesterex' .
Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progesterex to know more.
I highly respect the rationale of the forwarded email to give kind advises to all ladies which is very important. But I would just like to correct the statement to make sure correct info is delivered to the public as it affects vet's professionalism.
Thank you.
Dr. Teoh Soo Ming
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M) UPM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
cycling in the UK is a leisure activity.
I went cycling today, for a distance of 16 mile. It took me 1 hour plus to arrive the destination and another hour to come back, at 12 degree celsius? more or less...
Well, as the day still bright, it is truly a leisure as the scence is wonderful. However, thinking of I am going to spend 2 hour everyday cycling to work, plus the first frost is coming...I dunno am I still be able to enjoy the cycling. I have to cycle to work at 7 am and come back at 6.30pm. You cant imagine that 6.30pm the sky is just like 8pm in Malaysia....and I have to go through a short distance of forest area...plus there's are less than 10 farms(house) along the way...scream also no one will hear me. Can't believe I am going to do this in next 3 weeks! I think tomorrow the weather is something like 9 degree celcius maximum.
Well, c'est la vie!! need to survive so I have to do it!!!
I went cycling today, for a distance of 16 mile. It took me 1 hour plus to arrive the destination and another hour to come back, at 12 degree celsius? more or less...
Well, as the day still bright, it is truly a leisure as the scence is wonderful. However, thinking of I am going to spend 2 hour everyday cycling to work, plus the first frost is coming...I dunno am I still be able to enjoy the cycling. I have to cycle to work at 7 am and come back at 6.30pm. You cant imagine that 6.30pm the sky is just like 8pm in Malaysia....and I have to go through a short distance of forest area...plus there's are less than 10 farms(house) along the way...scream also no one will hear me. Can't believe I am going to do this in next 3 weeks! I think tomorrow the weather is something like 9 degree celcius maximum.
Well, c'est la vie!! need to survive so I have to do it!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Outdoor pig farming
I got a chance to visit an outdoor pig farm...wonderful.You just can't imagine...how happy the sows are...(well i think they are happy)..
When I first saw these....
Have you ever see pig grazing?
When I first saw these....
I thought I entered to a camping site...keep asking the vet: Dun tell me there's pig living in the hut!!!....wow, can't believe it...each of the 'camp', well we call it pen, is about 20 meter square, with the mother pig and her baby in it...Piglets live in the hut because it is warmer and they came out to graze with their mother when they are big enough.
Piglets with the mother....
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Don't start with something you can't finish...Dun do something that you can't afford, Don't ever simply give up....
Goodness.....I need to be motivated...think I am in dilemma....still in dilemma....
There's a saying that I love it very much!!
It said:
Goodness.....I need to be motivated...think I am in dilemma....still in dilemma....
There's a saying that I love it very much!!
It said:
'Twenty years from now,
you will be more dissapointed
by the things that you didn't do
than the ones you did do.'
So...go ahead....when I lost in direction while driving I just go staight or simply turn anywhere I want until I see the signboard....I never get lost, just a little bit more time to get to the destination....So go ahead....go....
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
8月26 日下午5时25分,我又踏上这个领土了。没有特别的感觉, 因为她是那么的熟悉, 我才离开不久啊!
12 个小时的飞行还真累人。 刚刚起飞的时候, 机身在某个高度时,突然向右倾斜45度。 那时我的心理在说:老大,小心点啊, 机上那么多人,会不会平衡不了啊?
看来, 我真的老了, 哈哈, 那么怕死!!
一到家, 就开始打美食主意, 和哥哥嫂嫂吃了一顿巴生肉骨茶。。。太好了。
12 个小时的飞行还真累人。 刚刚起飞的时候, 机身在某个高度时,突然向右倾斜45度。 那时我的心理在说:老大,小心点啊, 机上那么多人,会不会平衡不了啊?
看来, 我真的老了, 哈哈, 那么怕死!!
一到家, 就开始打美食主意, 和哥哥嫂嫂吃了一顿巴生肉骨茶。。。太好了。
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
那天, 脑子里的思绪又乱了, 好烦。
都不知道为什么要烦? 其实嘛,只要放开了就好!
看了功夫熊猫, 那只乌龟大师说了一句,听过好多次, 但每次一听到, 都会想通的话
: 'Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is Mistery, Today is a gift, that's why it is called 'present'
然后又看到朋友的blog 里的一则故事, 也是很久以前听过的:现在看了, 就
另有一番想法。 这就是为什么失恋的时候听悲伤情歌特别感触。
从前,有一群青蛙组织了一场攀爬比赛,比赛的终点是一个非常高铁塔的塔顶。一大群青蛙围者铁塔看比赛,给它们加油。比赛开始了。老实说:群蛙中没有谁相信这些小小的青蛙会到达塔顶,它们在议 论:“ 这太难了!!它们肯定到不了塔顶! ”“ 它们绝不可能成功的,塔太高了! ”听到这些,一只接一只的青蛙开始泄气了,除了那些情绪高 涨的几只还在往上爬。群蛙继续喊着:“ 这太难了!!没有谁能爬上顶的! ”越来越多的青蛙累坏了,退出了比赛。但,有一只却还在越 爬越高,一点也没有放弃的意思。最后,其它所有的青蛙都退出了比赛,除了一只,它费了很大的劲终于成为唯一一只到达塔顶的胜利者。很自然,其它所有的青蛙都想知道它是怎么成功的。有一只青蛙跑上前去问那只胜利者,它是哪来的那么大的力气跑完全程?它发现这个青蛙是个聋子!这个故事的寓意:永远不要听信那些消极悲观看问题的人。因为他只会粉碎你内心最美好的梦想和希望!总是记住你听到的充满力量的话语,因为所有你听到的或读到的话语都会影响你的行为。所以,总是要保持积极、乐观!而且最重要的是:当有人告诉你你的梦想不可能成真时,你要变成 “ 聋子 ” ,对此充耳不闻!要总是想着:我一定能做到!
都不知道为什么要烦? 其实嘛,只要放开了就好!
看了功夫熊猫, 那只乌龟大师说了一句,听过好多次, 但每次一听到, 都会想通的话
: 'Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is Mistery, Today is a gift, that's why it is called 'present'
然后又看到朋友的blog 里的一则故事, 也是很久以前听过的:现在看了, 就
另有一番想法。 这就是为什么失恋的时候听悲伤情歌特别感触。
从前,有一群青蛙组织了一场攀爬比赛,比赛的终点是一个非常高铁塔的塔顶。一大群青蛙围者铁塔看比赛,给它们加油。比赛开始了。老实说:群蛙中没有谁相信这些小小的青蛙会到达塔顶,它们在议 论:“ 这太难了!!它们肯定到不了塔顶! ”“ 它们绝不可能成功的,塔太高了! ”听到这些,一只接一只的青蛙开始泄气了,除了那些情绪高 涨的几只还在往上爬。群蛙继续喊着:“ 这太难了!!没有谁能爬上顶的! ”越来越多的青蛙累坏了,退出了比赛。但,有一只却还在越 爬越高,一点也没有放弃的意思。最后,其它所有的青蛙都退出了比赛,除了一只,它费了很大的劲终于成为唯一一只到达塔顶的胜利者。很自然,其它所有的青蛙都想知道它是怎么成功的。有一只青蛙跑上前去问那只胜利者,它是哪来的那么大的力气跑完全程?它发现这个青蛙是个聋子!这个故事的寓意:永远不要听信那些消极悲观看问题的人。因为他只会粉碎你内心最美好的梦想和希望!总是记住你听到的充满力量的话语,因为所有你听到的或读到的话语都会影响你的行为。所以,总是要保持积极、乐观!而且最重要的是:当有人告诉你你的梦想不可能成真时,你要变成 “ 聋子 ” ,对此充耳不闻!要总是想着:我一定能做到!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
那天在报纸上看见了一篇文章, 与其说被她所说的道理打动, 到不如说这篇道理恰好可以让我好好安慰自己, 文章的大意是说:奥德赛时期。作者怀疑自己正处于奥德赛时期, 而我呢, 正徐徐地进入奥德赛时期。。。
“社会学家说, 人生的阶段有六个:
“奥德赛(The Odyssey Years) 指的是后20岁, 30 出头的年轻人, 大学之后在工作与学校之间徘徊来徘徊去, 时而工作,时而上学。推迟工作,推迟结婚,推迟生子。从大学毕业到成年的档期被拉长。。。”
“社会学家说, 人生的阶段有六个:
“奥德赛(The Odyssey Years) 指的是后20岁, 30 出头的年轻人, 大学之后在工作与学校之间徘徊来徘徊去, 时而工作,时而上学。推迟工作,推迟结婚,推迟生子。从大学毕业到成年的档期被拉长。。。”
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
我曾试过以面包为主食, 但发现还是饭面好!
在异乡好, 可以锻炼锻炼厨艺.
这里的同事多数是中国人, 口味也不同.
有一次,同事们叫我煮马来餐(马来西亚的食物), 我就煮了米粉汤(每天中午我们都吃些面汤的, 所以我就煮米粉汤, 最快,方便嘛), 那知道他们说: 这没什么特别嘛, 就多了一些红罗卜! 气死我了....
又有一次, 我很想吃laksa, 就煮了laksa 汤, 有几个一闻到味道就跑开了. 还好有一两个捧场, 其中一个是马来西亚人. 还是" 志同道合" 的同乡人好!! 哈哈...
我曾试过以面包为主食, 但发现还是饭面好!
在异乡好, 可以锻炼锻炼厨艺.
这里的同事多数是中国人, 口味也不同.
有一次,同事们叫我煮马来餐(马来西亚的食物), 我就煮了米粉汤(每天中午我们都吃些面汤的, 所以我就煮米粉汤, 最快,方便嘛), 那知道他们说: 这没什么特别嘛, 就多了一些红罗卜! 气死我了....
又有一次, 我很想吃laksa, 就煮了laksa 汤, 有几个一闻到味道就跑开了. 还好有一两个捧场, 其中一个是马来西亚人. 还是" 志同道合" 的同乡人好!! 哈哈...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
New Habit Aromatherapy
I love Aromatherapy...
I always want to do something about it long time ago but just leave it aside. Now since I am so free so I get some book and learn about it. I really enjoy and it seems to be my hobby right now.
I always want to do something about it long time ago but just leave it aside. Now since I am so free so I get some book and learn about it. I really enjoy and it seems to be my hobby right now.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I remember when I was in Malaysia, whenever I saw ppl picnic at the public area, I will definately wonder Why they want to picnic over here.....are they feel comfortable with all the pedestrians/ public passing by and looking at them?
And also, I never ever seen ppl Barbeque in the public area, public area I mean is the open field for example. Usually we will only do it in our house compound, or small grass field in the 'Taman' .... Why? Maybe because we 'paiseh' or maybe it is not easy to bring the set up a BBQ set everywhere... Everytime whenever ppl suggesting to have BBQ, then everyone start to have headache....not really many ppl are willing to prepare the stuff and then clean it...for me, i think it involved lots of work and so 'ma fan'
But over here, ppl can have BBQ everywhere they want. NO one will care and no one will stop you. Some do it on the grass beside the road side. It doesn't seem so 'ma fan', instead it is simple and easy. somemore you can bring the BBQ set anywhere you want.
There's this thing call 'portable/ disposable BBQ set. It is a small BBQ set with the charchoal and wax paper and a stand to make it stand on the ground and will not 'burn' the grass that easily.
You can choose any place to BBQ. What you need to be aware is to keep all the stuff off the scene after BBQ, make sure you water off the fire, clean the area and that's it.
So here we go for BBQ in the lovely sunny day!!!
The designated picnic area nearby my place which is facing the lake...wonderful.
Self-prepared sausages stick and I bought some chicken that are ready for BBQ from Iceland. Only £2 for a big box.
Here you go the hard work start...BBQing..
And also, I never ever seen ppl Barbeque in the public area, public area I mean is the open field for example. Usually we will only do it in our house compound, or small grass field in the 'Taman' .... Why? Maybe because we 'paiseh' or maybe it is not easy to bring the set up a BBQ set everywhere... Everytime whenever ppl suggesting to have BBQ, then everyone start to have headache....not really many ppl are willing to prepare the stuff and then clean it...for me, i think it involved lots of work and so 'ma fan'
But over here, ppl can have BBQ everywhere they want. NO one will care and no one will stop you. Some do it on the grass beside the road side. It doesn't seem so 'ma fan', instead it is simple and easy. somemore you can bring the BBQ set anywhere you want.
There's this thing call 'portable/ disposable BBQ set. It is a small BBQ set with the charchoal and wax paper and a stand to make it stand on the ground and will not 'burn' the grass that easily.
You can choose any place to BBQ. What you need to be aware is to keep all the stuff off the scene after BBQ, make sure you water off the fire, clean the area and that's it.
So here we go for BBQ in the lovely sunny day!!!
Conclusion: beside sun bathing, picnic and BBQ is another popular yahooooo activities in summer....so lovely :)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
La Tasca Spanish restaurant
Went to a Spanish restaurant called 'La Tasca' in Portsmouth.
This is my very first time having spanish food. On Menu, it is written in Spanish (main) and English as explaination beside. I dun really know what to order so we(me and my fren) order a set meal.
Spanish food usually come in small portion. As a set meal, you will get many small portion of food so you could try each of them. We choosed a seafood set meal because I dun eat beef.
The waitress will tell you the name of the dishes in Spanish when they serve, well, definately I do not understand what she said. It was lovely meal. We sat in the outside area of the restaurant (usually no one will sit in this area during winter), under the sun, facing the sea...with some wind and the ferry noise, a bit warm and a bit chilling.....fantastic!
Me and the food.
Facing the seafront. It is the south sea.
This is my very first time having spanish food. On Menu, it is written in Spanish (main) and English as explaination beside. I dun really know what to order so we(me and my fren) order a set meal.
Spanish food usually come in small portion. As a set meal, you will get many small portion of food so you could try each of them. We choosed a seafood set meal because I dun eat beef.
The waitress will tell you the name of the dishes in Spanish when they serve, well, definately I do not understand what she said. It was lovely meal. We sat in the outside area of the restaurant (usually no one will sit in this area during winter), under the sun, facing the sea...with some wind and the ferry noise, a bit warm and a bit chilling.....fantastic!
See...this is how spanish food like....small portion, but many of them.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
I never thought that I would like summer this much. I hate hot, hot weather, and hate sweating. But summer is just that nice. You got your sun bathing, yet you did not really sweat a lot.....well, you will end up with the red mark (sun burn mark) on your body, mostly with the shape of the shirt you were wearing that day, but you would not get that burning sensation, not to mention getting heat stroke that easy. That's why everywhere, you see people lying on the grass field, beach...anywhere as long as there's some grasses on. Some of them even with the bikini, on the grass ground in the centre of a town in which vehicle and pedestrian just pass by everyminute and then. No one bother them, and they don't bother anyone.Cool!
Whenever there's sunny day, everyone wish to go to the beach
Thursday, April 24, 2008
很喜欢戴佩妮的一首歌:一个人的行李. 每次唱k, 朋友都会说:嘿, 你的歌呀。。。
有什么好假装 (假装,一点都不快乐)
我自己扛 (对嘛, 本来就是自己的路)
开始开始流浪 (都决定流浪了,天气还是问题吗?就别钻牛角尖了)
都有未来 (就算不是最好的,也可以把它变成最好的)
早已早已离开 (什么跟什么呀, 我谈恋爱也要一致通过吗?)
谈恋爱时, 听情歌也感觉特别甜蜜。。
失恋了, 也喜欢听歌,因为越听越伤心。。
有什么好假装 (假装,一点都不快乐)
我自己扛 (对嘛, 本来就是自己的路)
开始开始流浪 (都决定流浪了,天气还是问题吗?就别钻牛角尖了)
都有未来 (就算不是最好的,也可以把它变成最好的)
早已早已离开 (什么跟什么呀, 我谈恋爱也要一致通过吗?)
谈恋爱时, 听情歌也感觉特别甜蜜。。
失恋了, 也喜欢听歌,因为越听越伤心。。
Sunday, April 20, 2008
就这样过了一个季节, 冬眠了一个季节。现在的季候,也说不上是春天还是夏天, 听说可能春天还没开始就会进入夏天了?那是什么天气啊?春夏秋冬分不清。我度过了一个没有下雪的冬天,一个下大雪的春天?那天四月,突然就下了一场大雪, 四月飘霜, 人谁也想不到为什么。。。
我的打工旅游生活已经过了好一段时间。 说真的,简简单单的生活还真得很舒服,但是老觉得缺少了什么,看到别人努力地精彩地生活,心里好像很内疚似的。
从一开始就不喜欢 服务业, 也是因为不喜欢服务业,所以才胆怯怯地跑到英国来, 想过一些轻轻松松,自由自在的生活。很意外地,在这里,也投入了服务业。自己本就不是服务别人的料, 所以工作起来还算有点勉强。。每天都在笑,强颜欢笑! :)
我的打工旅游生活已经过了好一段时间。 说真的,简简单单的生活还真得很舒服,但是老觉得缺少了什么,看到别人努力地精彩地生活,心里好像很内疚似的。
从一开始就不喜欢 服务业, 也是因为不喜欢服务业,所以才胆怯怯地跑到英国来, 想过一些轻轻松松,自由自在的生活。很意外地,在这里,也投入了服务业。自己本就不是服务别人的料, 所以工作起来还算有点勉强。。每天都在笑,强颜欢笑! :)

Snowing in the mid april, it is so crazy!!
At Gunwharf quays, which is near the old portsmouth harbour, the navy base of the UK. Unfortunately I did not see any handsome navy.

Stonehenge is really beautiful and peaceful. This picture was taken just few days before the evacuation work began. So lucky. Overthere, only these stones stand still in a big grass field, nothing surrounding it except some sheep. I think the English heritage is doing their job very well.

Friday, March 07, 2008
Thursday, March 06, 2008
再过一天,就是我的好友Angi 的结婚登记日。想起去年情人节时,我和vyvy 还是他俩的'求婚见证人' 呢。
话说当天,那24孝男友准备向女友求婚;所以大伙儿就去凑热闹了。我们当时一行人大约就九人吧, 在酒吧里说说笑, 喝喝酒。突然,其中一位男士就拿起就杯说, ‘各位各位, please pay attention, 这里有件事情要宣布' ,(那个无知少女大事到临头还在不知道, 还闹着说,什么事, 什么事, 我猜猜看。。。), 就扑通一下, 准男友就跪在她面前了,上演了一出非常可笑的求婚记。
这是我第一次见证这种事情, 吓的我心惊胆跳!不过还蛮过瘾的。大庭广众下求婚, 需要很大的勇气耶。其实, 每个女孩都希望被求婚时是浪漫及特别的吧。男士们要多加努力了。
电影里常常出现一些求婚的场面, 比如说:
1. 在热气球上求婚 (青蛙变王子的剧情, 结果发生意外,男主角失忆了, 爱上了别人)
2. 看电影时,把戒指放在popcorn 里,让女友一边吃popcorn 时, 发现了那枚戒指。 (是部韩国片,我在想, 女生会不会不小心把戒指吞了?)
3. 把戒指放在端盘上。烛光晚餐时, 把端盘给捧上,当女生一打开端盘就可发现戒指了。(韩剧红豆女之恋)。 惊喜是惊喜, 但好像太简单了。
4. 在女生的房间窗户下铺满玫瑰花, 拿告示牌等等 (好像是港剧),这需要很大的勇气, 但好像有点老土。
1. 把戒指结冻在冰块里(就是说把戒指和水放在冰块的模型里后结成冰), 然后在烛光晚餐时, 把冰块放在红酒里。 (但我担心冰块很快就会溶, 行得通吗?)
2. 把一条绳子绑在女友的手指上(戴戒指的那一根),然后在绳子的另一端套上戒指, 让戒指顺着绳子往下滑到女子的手指上, 然后再帮她戴上戒指。
3. 在摩天轮上求婚。
想想,好像求婚越来越需要学问了,越来越有挑战性了。 还有谁有其他意见啊?
话说当天,那24孝男友准备向女友求婚;所以大伙儿就去凑热闹了。我们当时一行人大约就九人吧, 在酒吧里说说笑, 喝喝酒。突然,其中一位男士就拿起就杯说, ‘各位各位, please pay attention, 这里有件事情要宣布' ,(那个无知少女大事到临头还在不知道, 还闹着说,什么事, 什么事, 我猜猜看。。。), 就扑通一下, 准男友就跪在她面前了,上演了一出非常可笑的求婚记。
这是我第一次见证这种事情, 吓的我心惊胆跳!不过还蛮过瘾的。大庭广众下求婚, 需要很大的勇气耶。其实, 每个女孩都希望被求婚时是浪漫及特别的吧。男士们要多加努力了。
电影里常常出现一些求婚的场面, 比如说:
1. 在热气球上求婚 (青蛙变王子的剧情, 结果发生意外,男主角失忆了, 爱上了别人)
2. 看电影时,把戒指放在popcorn 里,让女友一边吃popcorn 时, 发现了那枚戒指。 (是部韩国片,我在想, 女生会不会不小心把戒指吞了?)
3. 把戒指放在端盘上。烛光晚餐时, 把端盘给捧上,当女生一打开端盘就可发现戒指了。(韩剧红豆女之恋)。 惊喜是惊喜, 但好像太简单了。
4. 在女生的房间窗户下铺满玫瑰花, 拿告示牌等等 (好像是港剧),这需要很大的勇气, 但好像有点老土。
1. 把戒指结冻在冰块里(就是说把戒指和水放在冰块的模型里后结成冰), 然后在烛光晚餐时, 把冰块放在红酒里。 (但我担心冰块很快就会溶, 行得通吗?)
2. 把一条绳子绑在女友的手指上(戴戒指的那一根),然后在绳子的另一端套上戒指, 让戒指顺着绳子往下滑到女子的手指上, 然后再帮她戴上戒指。
3. 在摩天轮上求婚。
想想,好像求婚越来越需要学问了,越来越有挑战性了。 还有谁有其他意见啊?
Friday, February 29, 2008
I got 2 days off and since I am going to London to renew my passport, so I decided to stay over and go jalan-jalan. Everytime I went to London in the past, I will go with frens, usually depart after 10am (cos got cheap travel card) so will only spend like half a day in London. I did not get to see much things except China town everytime I was in London. So this time, I have seen a little bit much than before...
St.James' Park in London
Statue of Victoria..in front of the Buckingham palace. I have forgotten the history about it...I was thinking about the changing ofthe guard event that morning...hahaha
Tower of London
I did not enter because it was closed (5pm already when i was there), so I just walked around. So romantic the view, it is just nearby the tower bridge. Another side of the tower (back) is facing the Thames river and tower bridge. There are some bench along the river side and the tower, you can actually sit there while anjoying the beauty of the bridge and the tower. Die of romantic....top pak toh place but I seldom see any couple there. well, it is just too cold to pak toh outside now.

Met with Dr.Vini in London. in front of the National Gallery. Have seen several masterpiece such as from Van Gogh,Monet, Leonado Da Vinci etc....
It is not yet spring but you can see all the signs welcoming spring...flowers bloosom everywhere, animals birds, squirel, swan, pigeon(i am not sure if it is a sign of spring but I seldom see them in winter), greenich garden, new leaves, grasses......oh....feel so good, so sunny, so shinning....
Changing of the Guard event in Buckingham palace. I have waited for more than one hour in the windy day. So cold. That day, the Queen is in the palace, but her majesty will never come out according to the police man guarding the public. They are all in the blue grayish coat become it can keep them warm. They will change it to the bright red one in the summer.
I did not enter because it was closed (5pm already when i was there), so I just walked around. So romantic the view, it is just nearby the tower bridge. Another side of the tower (back) is facing the Thames river and tower bridge. There are some bench along the river side and the tower, you can actually sit there while anjoying the beauty of the bridge and the tower. Die of romantic....top pak toh place but I seldom see any couple there. well, it is just too cold to pak toh outside now.
Met with Dr.Vini in London. in front of the National Gallery. Have seen several masterpiece such as from Van Gogh,Monet, Leonado Da Vinci etc....
Covent Garden
One of the performer on the street of the Covent Garden. This is the place which is nearby China Town. It is famous with all the branded shops like, very high class and there are some performers or student of arts like to perform here and earn some pocket money. For example the 'crown' in the picture, some playing some drama on the street, dance hip hop, some play with knife while cycling on the 10 feets high cycle(like 杂技),some bands sing as well. nice!
U will see pigeon everywhere in London. It is the city of pigeon and there's even more in Trafalgar square.....everywhere, beside you, where you sit, eat....and they are not afraid of human being.
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