I never thought that I would like summer this much. I hate hot, hot weather, and hate sweating. But summer is just that nice. You got your sun bathing, yet you did not really sweat a lot.....well, you will end up with the red mark (sun burn mark) on your body, mostly with the shape of the shirt you were wearing that day, but you would not get that burning sensation, not to mention getting heat stroke that easy. That's why everywhere, you see people lying on the grass field, beach...anywhere as long as there's some grasses on. Some of them even with the bikini, on the grass ground in the centre of a town in which vehicle and pedestrian just pass by everyminute and then. No one bother them, and they don't bother anyone.Cool!
Whenever there's sunny day, everyone wish to go to the beach
yerr...so enjoy there~
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