Saturday, December 13, 2008

讓女人一輩子無法懷孕的藥...要注意! PLS READ‏

I got this forwarded email,

各位您好: 尤其是女士們,請警覺這個主題及小心保護妳自己。 對於老是往舞會 (PUB)裡鑽的女士們,請小心 .., 當妳飲用由男生 (陌生人or女生)提供的飲料時,請多警覺及多留心 。 各位好男人,請好心地轉送這個訊息給你的女士朋友們。 有一種新的藥品在那種地方被使用了不到一年了。 一種 黃體激素製劑 (Progesterex) 這種藥基本上是一種 避孕藥丸 , 這個藥現在被強暴加害者在舞會上用在強姦受害者以及 使受害者避孕。 一位朋友的母親在藥局工作, 而她說 這個藥只由 獸醫 開立在使 大型動物避孕之用, 但我聽到這個藥被與 Rohypnol(roofies)一起當作 約會強姦藥 來使用。 因為Rohypnol的關係,強姦加害者們只要將它放入她們的飲料中, 被下藥的女孩在第二天早上 不會記得前一晚所發生的事情 。 現在 Rohypnol不單單被使用著。 Progesterex 在飲料中容易溶解 , 而且與Rohypnol一起使用, 所以強姦者不必擔憂幾個月後 , 警檢單位以父源關係 [胎兒]來認定強姦加害者 。 但是這藥的影響並 不是暫時性的 。 Proges terex設計給馬避孕用的 , 任何女士吃了這個藥將 一輩子無法懷孕 。 所有混蛋只要跟任何在 ' 大學唸獸醫系的朋友'拿這個藥即可遂其犯行。 它是如此地 容易取得, 而 Progesterex即將在各個校園裡 出來。 不管妳相不相信這個警告, 甚至在 網路上都還有人教導別人 如何使用它 。 譯註: *請轉寄這個警告給任何妳(你)認識的人,   尤其是年輕又天真的女孩們。 *馬來西亞很可能不久就有歹徒會使用此種藥品犯罪,   請各位女士朋友們,多加提防。(Anyone who doesn't read chinese please go to

I feel a bit frustrated, are they saying they can get this drug from any vet student and malaysia would probably having this kind of problem...There's only one vet school in Malaysia...I strongly feel it affect all of us DVM from UPM...I need to make it clear. so I replied to all that has that forwarded email, as below:
(May be I am a bit overreact but it happens not only once....yes VET is able to get access to certain dangerous drug, but we are profesional, we took oath, we know what we should and should not do...we have our ethic!!)

Dear all whoever read this article,

I strongly agree that girls need to be very careful and cautios in the party or club regarding what they have taken (drinks or food) from anyone. However, I would like to bring your attention the the statement made towards the drug being mentioned ' progesterex' as : Proges terex設計給馬避孕用的 ,(these drug is being used to sterilize horses), 所有混蛋只要跟任何在 ' 大學唸獸醫系的朋友'拿這個藥即可遂其犯行 (it can be easily available with any vet students in the university).

Highlight is to be made that vets sterilize horses through surgery and not drug, and all VET STUDENT is not able to get access to these drug or anykind or drug until they get licensed. Besides, I doubt the existance of these drug 'progesterex' .

Go to to know more.

I highly respect the rationale of the forwarded email to give kind advises to all ladies which is very important. But I would just like to correct the statement to make sure correct info is delivered to the public as it affects vet's professionalism.

Thank you.

Dr. Teoh Soo Ming

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M) UPM

1 comment:

andersonloo said...

Forward mail? hehehe....