Sunday, April 20, 2008


就这样过了一个季节, 冬眠了一个季节。现在的季候,也说不上是春天还是夏天, 听说可能春天还没开始就会进入夏天了?那是什么天气啊?春夏秋冬分不清。我度过了一个没有下雪的冬天,一个下大雪的春天?那天四月,突然就下了一场大雪, 四月飘霜, 人谁也想不到为什么。。。

我的打工旅游生活已经过了好一段时间。 说真的,简简单单的生活还真得很舒服,但是老觉得缺少了什么,看到别人努力地精彩地生活,心里好像很内疚似的。

从一开始就不喜欢 服务业, 也是因为不喜欢服务业,所以才胆怯怯地跑到英国来, 想过一些轻轻松松,自由自在的生活。很意外地,在这里,也投入了服务业。自己本就不是服务别人的料, 所以工作起来还算有点勉强。。每天都在笑,强颜欢笑! :)


四月飘霜-英国天气是不是疯了?这还是近5,6 年来最大的一场雪。
Snowing in the mid april, it is so crazy!!

At Gunwharf quays, which is near the old portsmouth harbour, the navy base of the UK. Unfortunately I did not see any handsome navy.

It looks like a haunted house with all the roots climbing. Surprisingly UK got lots of this unique 'design' house.

Let me show you this is an alternative TAXI is Bath. A horse Cart.
Taxi in London. I like it!

Meeting Clement's family from switzerland and visited Stonehenge together. It was a crazy freezing days.
The Circus in Bath. All the houses are attached together and forming a circus with a small garden in the middle. Can't take the whole view of it.

Stonehenge is really beautiful and peaceful. This picture was taken just few days before the evacuation work began. So lucky. Overthere, only these stones stand still in a big grass field, nothing surrounding it except some sheep. I think the English heritage is doing their job very well.

Bath town view from the hill.


Blueyebabe said...

wow~ 我喜欢看雪,可是我不能忍受它的冷。

Eve said...

很多东西都让我们又爱又恨。比如我很喜欢吃辣,好像laksa, 又酸又辣,可是还是一边流着汗,擦着鼻涕,还一边吃下去。。

vivienne said...


Eve said...
