Sunday, August 02, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
我又有了新玩意。。。嘻嘻。。这一次是‘针’,当然,虽然是个兽医,但是还是很怕针。但是说明了是针灸,就必须有针! 这一次,我的对象不止是四脚的,还有两只脚的so call ‘人’。
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson 也走了
为什么越有名的明星,‘都’死得很突然。 比如李小龙,张国荣,邓丽君,然后现在的Michael Jackson..
Friday, May 29, 2009
Big day 大日子?
如果一件事进行得不顺利,那接下来的‘恶运’就跟着来, 那就是我们同事们最爱说的‘大日子’。这一阵子的大日子还不少。
今天本来行程排得满满的, 又要阉割猫la,又要给怀孕的母狗照B超la, 又要给心脏有问题的照照B超,照照X 光看看有没有肿瘤la....加上应付来复诊的人 (与动物),一时之间,有好多东西要准备处理。。
偏偏这个时候,昨天入院的两只‘狗儿’(其实不能怪他们啦, 也不是他们想的),一只荷尔蒙失调,一只奄奄一息,所以都被吊了盐水,葡萄糖。。一早检查时好好的,偏偏人家忙的时候来个血液回流入盐水袋的管子里,又结成了血块,盐水就滴也不滴,就没有盐水进入血管。这些小血块如果随着盐水进入血管就会阻塞血液循坏,后果还可能很严重, 所以一定要清除。 如何清除啊?盐水,盐水管都必须是sterile 就是无菌mah。。。so 当然得小心行事loh。 偏偏他们又急需点滴,又不能拖迟, 害得我必须一个人处理。(通常清醒的动物会动来动去,不爽的话还要咬你)。总之过程就不容易,弄好了,重新包扎后, 点滴滴了几下又停了,为什么停啊?又要想办法让点滴继续啊? 小狗小狗,合作点好不好? 偏偏他又不理你。。。我就用我的小眼瞪它的大眼,在不乖乖听话就。。。。。那知道它睬我都傻!
好不容易处理好了这只狗, 那只狗的盐水又出问题, 弄好了这个,原先那个又来个诸塞。。。就好像在唱交响曲。。把我弄得团团转。
十分钟后, 另一个护士跑来告诉我,那只猫的盐水管子里全都是血!
今天本来行程排得满满的, 又要阉割猫la,又要给怀孕的母狗照B超la, 又要给心脏有问题的照照B超,照照X 光看看有没有肿瘤la....加上应付来复诊的人 (与动物),一时之间,有好多东西要准备处理。。
偏偏这个时候,昨天入院的两只‘狗儿’(其实不能怪他们啦, 也不是他们想的),一只荷尔蒙失调,一只奄奄一息,所以都被吊了盐水,葡萄糖。。一早检查时好好的,偏偏人家忙的时候来个血液回流入盐水袋的管子里,又结成了血块,盐水就滴也不滴,就没有盐水进入血管。这些小血块如果随着盐水进入血管就会阻塞血液循坏,后果还可能很严重, 所以一定要清除。 如何清除啊?盐水,盐水管都必须是sterile 就是无菌mah。。。so 当然得小心行事loh。 偏偏他们又急需点滴,又不能拖迟, 害得我必须一个人处理。(通常清醒的动物会动来动去,不爽的话还要咬你)。总之过程就不容易,弄好了,重新包扎后, 点滴滴了几下又停了,为什么停啊?又要想办法让点滴继续啊? 小狗小狗,合作点好不好? 偏偏他又不理你。。。我就用我的小眼瞪它的大眼,在不乖乖听话就。。。。。那知道它睬我都傻!
好不容易处理好了这只狗, 那只狗的盐水又出问题, 弄好了这个,原先那个又来个诸塞。。。就好像在唱交响曲。。把我弄得团团转。
十分钟后, 另一个护士跑来告诉我,那只猫的盐水管子里全都是血!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
三年前,我很清楚自己一定要去做的事情。所以我不会多加理会别人如何看我,因为我知道自己要走的方向,要攀那一座山。现在到了山顶,看了日出日落,我得到了什么?站在山顶上,想不到我接下来该做什么。因为我做到了我要做的,突然之间,目标达成了,又没有了目标。原来只梦想攀上一座山是不够的,因为我不知道山上是否有我想要得东西。原来,那一座山并不重要,重要是‘为什么' ??
我会攀上属于我的高山, 然后在山顶上和你对喊。。。你在那里好吗?
我会攀上属于我的高山, 然后在山顶上和你对喊。。。你在那里好吗?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Half Price
One thing I like England....or the supermarket in England.
Every weeks, every supermarket will do promotion on certain product. So every week you will find something on half price, or buy one get one free. This week you got Ferrero rocher half price, next week shampoo and conditioner, and maybe the week after some fruit!
This week somersfield is doing a promotion for 'hardy's wine' Half price...

Monday, April 20, 2009
Dog also celebrate ester
During easter, many people like to buy easter egg...or chocolate egg..
Some of them hide those eggs in the garden for 'easter egg hunt'. That's something to play to celebrate easter.
So, easter has gone. Many house will left with many egss....
so that's where the problem comes.
We have a dog came in, after consuming 7 big easter chocolate eggs (each about a size of medium papaya!). For your information, dog cannot eat 'human chocolate' as it will kill them if them consume a large quantity. This fella ate 7 big chocolate eggs!!! and absolutely fine.He might have died already but he is fine, walking into the clinic with his wagging tail.......??!! :)
Some of them hide those eggs in the garden for 'easter egg hunt'. That's something to play to celebrate easter.
So, easter has gone. Many house will left with many egss....
so that's where the problem comes.
We have a dog came in, after consuming 7 big easter chocolate eggs (each about a size of medium papaya!). For your information, dog cannot eat 'human chocolate' as it will kill them if them consume a large quantity. This fella ate 7 big chocolate eggs!!! and absolutely fine.He might have died already but he is fine, walking into the clinic with his wagging tail.......??!! :)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Vet's job- all creatures, big or small......
EM is my colleague. A vet from Czech Republic. We work together, stay together under a same roof and seing each other together.
Today is Saturday and we are not working. I thought we will not have to communicate. At least give each other some private time (私人空间). But she asked me to go to visit a Bees shop because she is going to start her bee keeping plan.... is bees...
I can't see is there any fun seing a bee....well, maybe they just keep the bee but not watching them like you take care of your dogs or cats. Mind you, they are not pet...they work and produce HONEY!!! That's why I am willing to go travel with her in this lovely saturday morning.
Suddenly I have a question, so I asked her: You might want to keep your bees in the garden so that you can keep an eye on them. But if they fall sick, who is going to treat them??? us??? Bring to clinic?? How?
Seriously, we have patient like gold fish, snake, mice, CHICKEN (not bird, it's the chicken that you will eat) etc....but I don't expect to see a bee coming for treatment!
Today is Saturday and we are not working. I thought we will not have to communicate. At least give each other some private time (私人空间). But she asked me to go to visit a Bees shop because she is going to start her bee keeping plan.... is bees...
I can't see is there any fun seing a bee....well, maybe they just keep the bee but not watching them like you take care of your dogs or cats. Mind you, they are not pet...they work and produce HONEY!!! That's why I am willing to go travel with her in this lovely saturday morning.
Suddenly I have a question, so I asked her: You might want to keep your bees in the garden so that you can keep an eye on them. But if they fall sick, who is going to treat them??? us??? Bring to clinic?? How?
Seriously, we have patient like gold fish, snake, mice, CHICKEN (not bird, it's the chicken that you will eat) etc....but I don't expect to see a bee coming for treatment!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good friday
Today is good friday.
Well, it does not seem to be a good day to celebrate? or relax. It was a typical depressing weather of england, cloudy, windy, no sunshine, cold, and depressing atmosphere in the air. What to do? Where to go? The weather suppress me to even cook some lunch for myself.
I can feel that this is an Holiday! Not just the normal weekend holiday. Eventhough I have to work to morrow but I still feel relaxxxx.......Plus, today I finally can 'hardly' online 'a bit'. Even the wireless connection still disconnect occasionally and sometime limited connectivity or physically connected but cannot browse, I am still very happy that I can sit in my room and browse the internet for a little while, then re connect again and browse again. You may think it is silly, but you cannot imagine myself without wireless internet in my OWN room. I have to go to the dining room, Pasang the wire/cable then only I can go online. And everytime when I do that, I forgot what I want to search for, I have no mood to 'browse' net. I can only search for the information I want, then offline then back to my room again. Cannot imagine my life without wireless....!!!
So I assume that I am going to spend my good friday in the room. Anyway, nothing to regret because I have been to somewhere nice last sunday. It is called 'Manor farm'. A victorian working farm not far from where I stay.
The entrance of the farm.
The view of the farm from the garden. The white buildings were the house for the farmer and the teacher (also including a small class room)
Farmers' wife doing their house chores and making bread....
It is really a good place for a day out with family.
Meet the animal. I dunno why the birds want to be in the sheep shed???
Well, it does not seem to be a good day to celebrate? or relax. It was a typical depressing weather of england, cloudy, windy, no sunshine, cold, and depressing atmosphere in the air. What to do? Where to go? The weather suppress me to even cook some lunch for myself.
I can feel that this is an Holiday! Not just the normal weekend holiday. Eventhough I have to work to morrow but I still feel relaxxxx.......Plus, today I finally can 'hardly' online 'a bit'. Even the wireless connection still disconnect occasionally and sometime limited connectivity or physically connected but cannot browse, I am still very happy that I can sit in my room and browse the internet for a little while, then re connect again and browse again. You may think it is silly, but you cannot imagine myself without wireless internet in my OWN room. I have to go to the dining room, Pasang the wire/cable then only I can go online. And everytime when I do that, I forgot what I want to search for, I have no mood to 'browse' net. I can only search for the information I want, then offline then back to my room again. Cannot imagine my life without wireless....!!!
So I assume that I am going to spend my good friday in the room. Anyway, nothing to regret because I have been to somewhere nice last sunday. It is called 'Manor farm'. A victorian working farm not far from where I stay.
Manor Farm
They were sewing the string fromthe sheep's wool.
Why it is called' Victorian working farm' ?
It means the farm still in used. Vitorian time is a great time in england's history in which the development took place. Many technologies were invented?improved? Whatever. I know it is a very important time lah for some reason.
And in this working farm, you can see farmer's wife doing the house chores, farmer were farming, the animals- sheep were lambing, cows were being milked, chicken running like dunno when they will be slaughtered.....
There were so many visitors and most of them are families. It is definately a good place for family as the children can see the animals, learn about, cuddling it...very good for educational purpose as well. THere were many places in England which is very good for children's education. This is one of the reason I enjoy living here because you can find some good environment for the development of your child if you want. Many museum and programme in some english heritage site etc...
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Mycotic Rhinitis
To share with all my friends especially all DVM......
Tassy is a lovely Greman Shepherd dog. Looks scary but freindly actually. Did not moaning when I try to sedate her with intramuscular injection. But she made some noise as we wanted to put a muzzle on her in which it will touches her nose. She can't afford to have anything touching her nose because she had an rhinitis!! With all the mucus drooling out like saliva. She has been scoped (rhinoscopy) and confirmed to have mycotic rhinitis (aspergillous) by testing the Asper. antibody titre. We were not able to swab the plague inside the nasal wall because contaminated liao lah..what else..only blood in the swab....So have to take some blood sample.

So she was arranged for an 'nose operation' we called.
Everyone in the clinic was very happy and excited to see the surgery as this is our first attempt to carry out this kind of surgery.
As everyone watching, the surgeon carefully drilled 2 holes on the frontal bone (in between both eye orbit), so that we can get access to the frontal sinus. And then, we run the fluid with some antifungal agent into the sinues for half an hour. Finally filled the sinus with antifungal cream. Can you imagine some creaam in your sinus????
After the surgery, Tassy was doing well except occasional drolling of the antifungal cream in the dog cages. The cream was so disgusting !!!
Tassy was sent home. She come back for a recheck after two days and the sneezing and drooling of mucus was gone...Amazing...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
My recent hobby
I have registered in ebay for a while but never really buy or sell anything on the web. Recently, I was thinking of buying something but as you know (or maybe you dunno), sometime you can't just buy what you want from the shops around UK. Hardly find stationary shop, computer shop, book shop except in the town. So I started to look for what I want online.
Wau, that's brilliant. Eventhough I know it is very convenient to search for something you want but still doubt about e-business, afraid of being tipu lah....but luckily I got several things from ebay and all not too bad lah. The things is not bad, the only bad one is I have choosen the wrong item to buy loh...
Bought a 'Veterinary student dictionary' instead of 'veterinary dictionary' because it is thicker so maybe it contains more infomation. When I got the book, my is 'kindergarden veterinary student dictionary' lah....very very brief and general description, can't even find the meaning of 'abduction', 'scaling' etc....It's now kept on my study table, useless!!
Then got mobile, it was noted 'unlocked', but it cannot read any simcard except 'three' (a mobile network here)....:( so have to unlock the mobile again!! Sigh.
Got three cactus for myself. two of them were so mini than I expected. but the other one was really nice,ofcourse it cost more money! And I now I am bidding for a series of story book from James Herriot, and looking for a PDA...:) I am more and more addicted to ebay now.
My cactus ! :)
Wau, that's brilliant. Eventhough I know it is very convenient to search for something you want but still doubt about e-business, afraid of being tipu lah....but luckily I got several things from ebay and all not too bad lah. The things is not bad, the only bad one is I have choosen the wrong item to buy loh...
Bought a 'Veterinary student dictionary' instead of 'veterinary dictionary' because it is thicker so maybe it contains more infomation. When I got the book, my is 'kindergarden veterinary student dictionary' lah....very very brief and general description, can't even find the meaning of 'abduction', 'scaling' etc....It's now kept on my study table, useless!!
Then got mobile, it was noted 'unlocked', but it cannot read any simcard except 'three' (a mobile network here)....:( so have to unlock the mobile again!! Sigh.
Got three cactus for myself. two of them were so mini than I expected. but the other one was really nice,ofcourse it cost more money! And I now I am bidding for a series of story book from James Herriot, and looking for a PDA...:) I am more and more addicted to ebay now.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
今天不开心, 觉得明明是别人不够谅解,明明我是被气的嘛。。回家时还闷闷不乐的。后来想呀想的,每件事都要从多个角度去看嘛! 可能人家没心的lei...可能人家性格是这样子的lei....自己实在不可以太在乎,要以平常心看待,要学习如何圆滑面对这些事嘛。。哎哟,怎么到最后变成自己必须检讨了。。算了,早点成长吧。。。
Monday, February 09, 2009
大家请update blog
每当我不想念书,又没有什么重要事做时(通常是有重要事也不想做时)就会想上网看看朋友们的blog. 可惜平时不怎么写blog 所以也没有很多blog友。就只有那几个,所以看来看去就拿几个blog。 不过最近大家都没空写blog lei....有的忙着生孩子,有的忙着甜甜蜜蜜,有的可能还在公司压力着。。。害我没有blog 看,而且最近又不下雪。。闷死了!再说,诊所里来了一个locum 兽医护士,拥有多年的经验就霸气十足,气死我了!又不知道对什么alergy,双手很痒,都把手给抓得红肿,手指头也弯不了。。。天啊, 看来这个星期不好过了。。。
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Snow 下雪了
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
今年的新年一个人过, 也没什么特别, 就一整天在聊天,和家人视屏, 和朋友谈天。。工作。。可惜大家都很忙,根本没空睬我!原来发现没有家人的新年不是新年。
都快老了吧, 怎么现在才发现自己是那么的不成熟,才发现还在学习一些很早就该懂的东西。一直告诉自己,没关系,就重新学习, 慢慢来。但是自己不年轻了呀!为什么这么多年来还是没有进步呢!如果连自己的目标还不明确的话,那什么时候才能实现目标啊?唉哟,很烦。好像很没用耶。连自己都有点看不起自己了。。
都快老了吧, 怎么现在才发现自己是那么的不成熟,才发现还在学习一些很早就该懂的东西。一直告诉自己,没关系,就重新学习, 慢慢来。但是自己不年轻了呀!为什么这么多年来还是没有进步呢!如果连自己的目标还不明确的话,那什么时候才能实现目标啊?唉哟,很烦。好像很没用耶。连自己都有点看不起自己了。。
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
有没有试过感觉心跳很快, 好像很烦但是不是很暴躁; 好像心情不怎么好但不至于想要发脾气;有时好像想要哭但是不知道为什么哭;甚至想要做点事情却不知道想要做些什么?
是不是忧郁症的征兆? 好像说着说着,自己都有点担心。。不会吧?
我很想快乐, 快乐其实很简单。
是不是忧郁症的征兆? 好像说着说着,自己都有点担心。。不会吧?
我很想快乐, 快乐其实很简单。
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