Most of my frens know that I have an english name --- Evelyn.
Well, ppl pronounces it differently.
In my company right now, there were several pronunciation,
Some call it correctly " Eve--lyn" , sounds "if-lyn",
Some call " Ever--lyn",
Some call " E -- ver--lyn"
Some call "E--lyn" --my customer called me like that
Some may due to pronunciation problem/ purposely, call me as "Evening"
And some, for joking purpose, call me " Morning" --just like my dog's name!!!
Yesterday, my dear boss (my manager) called me "" err... arr...err......" he waited few second until he reached me " E-ver-lyn, could u bring the documents to the meeting later" .
Later, in the meeting...when he wanna assigned me some work " err........" then he looked at me and waited for few second again, " er..E---lynn will incharge of this portion" ...
I nearly laugh out, but I dare not.
Today, he mentioned my name as " E-De-lyn" to my department manager..
Oh My god.....I got a brand new name again...
so, which name should I answer to?
To my dear manager,
I have been working for 4 months....
y cant you remember my name by looking at my face?
maybe I always change my hair style recently? (ok, it's my fault!)
but my face din change mah....(even though not so pretty lah)
may be my name is too difficult to pronounce??
would "Eve" easier to remember?
(Actually Eve should only meant for my bf, but since it already misused in university ...dun care lah)
To my dear colleague,
Please do not expose this blog to our boss...ok?
Thank you very much for saving my job.
Aligato gazaimastah!!