This is Morning..my lovely Dalmation.
I just received a call from my mum this morning, saying that Morning was vomiting blood...She said a lots of blood....having seizures, hypothermic (very cold), very weak and looks like dying...She sound so weak and worried. I am a vet. But at that time, I just as helpless as her. I could not attend to my dog immediately nor I can treat my dog. What I can do is to find a vet nearby. There are 3 vets in the town. The first vet said she had an surgery, could not attend to the house call (I understand her as she cant leave the surgery room immediately). The second vet said, " Since ur dog is suspected food poisoning and is dying, what for u ask me to go?". This word really piss me off..U can ask me to wait, can give me reason why u can't attend the case, but not to judge whether the dog should be given treatment. So i called the last vet, he is still sleeping. It's near 12 noon. Without wasting time, I just instruct my mum to give some supportive management like keep the dog warm, take some charcoal etc while waiting for the vet.
Now, Morning is surviving...trying his very best to survive...I dunno what's the prognosis..as another vet said, be prepared for the worst.
Dear lovely morning, be strong and be stoic, I will make sure u get the treatment that u need, and u will be ok very soon. I will celebrate new year with you, I promise.