So she was arranged for an 'nose operation' we called.
Everyone in the clinic was very happy and excited to see the surgery as this is our first attempt to carry out this kind of surgery.
As everyone watching, the surgeon carefully drilled 2 holes on the frontal bone (in between both eye orbit), so that we can get access to the frontal sinus. And then, we run the fluid with some antifungal agent into the sinues for half an hour. Finally filled the sinus with antifungal cream. Can you imagine some creaam in your sinus????
After the surgery, Tassy was doing well except occasional drolling of the antifungal cream in the dog cages. The cream was so disgusting !!!
Tassy was sent home. She come back for a recheck after two days and the sneezing and drooling of mucus was gone...Amazing...
u r terror la. I not even dare to touch any fury animals. I remember last time when I was in Form 6 Biology lab, teacher asked us to open up the rat's abdomen, I just sit there doing nothing... cuz? not dare to touch it lar, duh!
Aiyo....Rat different mah....This one so cute!! I dare not touch fierce animal lah...some animal will show you their 'white sharp teeth' when you try to touch them, very scary leh...
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